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The word "pontiff" comes from the Ancient Romans who used "Pontifex" as a distinguished title of Roman magistrates whose sacred office was concerned with the construction, maintenance and deconstruction of bridges. The emperor himself was called the "Pontifiex maximus". Pontifex is derived from the Latin "pons" and "facere" or "to make bridge" or "bridge builder" as it was seen as an supernatural power to bridge impassible spans of water, thereby connecting lands. Over time, and with the advent of the Catholic Church, the title "Pontifex Maximus" was given to the pope, as he was the supreme bridge builder between God and man, acting as Christ's intermediary. In English, Pontifex is changed to pontiff.

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12y ago

He is called "Your Holiness" (Sanctitas Vestra) and is frequently referred to as the Holy Father. The title "Pope" is an informal one meaning "papa" (meaning "father"); the formal title of the pope is "Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Christ, Successor of Peter, Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff, Patriarch of the West, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province, Sovereign of the State of the Vatican City, and Servant of the Servants of God".

Catholic AnswerGod is holiness itself, He is the very definition of holiness, and we can only grasp barely a glimmer of what He actually is, who is Being and Love itself. Nevertheless, He became incarnate as a human being so that He could communicate Himself to us, and we could approach Him without being destroyed at the very thought. To be with us through the rest of history, He formed His Church, and appointed His apostle Peter as its first Vicar. The Vicar of the Kingdom in the Davidic kingdom in the Old Testament held the "keys of the kingdom" and ruled with the King's own authority - read Isaiah. Our Blessed Lord gave the "keys", His own authority and prestige to His Vicar on earth, Peter and His successors, so out of honor for God, we offer the honor due to Him to His Vicar NOT because His Vicar is holy in an of himself, but because of Whom he represents.
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12y ago

The word "pope" come from the Latin "papa" - the office of the pope is referred to as the "Papacy".


Catholic AnswerThe "Pope" is more of a nickname for the Holy Father, it is from the Italian for Father or Papa. His official titles are, in the order in which they are given in the Annuario Pontificio:


Bishop of Rome,

Vicar of Jesus Christ,

Successor of the Prince of the Apostles,

Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church,

Primate of Italy,

Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province,

Sovereign of the State of Vatican City,

Servant of the Servants of God.

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11y ago

Pope is something like "Daddy"

Catholic Answer

from the Greek for papa:

from Modern Catholic Dictionary by John A. Hardon, S.J. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Garden City, NY 1980

Pope. Title of the visible head of the Catholic Church. He is called Pope (Greek pappas, a child’s word for father) because his authority is supreme and because it is to be exercises in a paternal way, after the example of Christ.

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11y ago
Catholic Answer

Pope comes from the Greek (means papa) and refers to the fact that the Pope is the visible head of the Church, or father figure, as opposed to the Head of the Church which is Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ.


Modern Catholic Dictionary by John A. Hardon,


Doubleday & Co., Inc. Garden City, NY 1980

Pope. Title of the visible head of the Catholic Church. He is called Pope (Greek pappas

, a child's word for father) because his authority is supreme and because it is to be exercises in a paternal way, after the example of Christ.

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11y ago

The Holy Father is called pope because it is based on the Greek child's word for daddy: pappas.

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The Holy See is not the pope. The term refers to the episcopal jurisdiction of the Church in Rome, led by the Bishop of Rome who happens to be the pope.

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The word 'pope' derives from the Latin word 'papa' or father. He is the Holy Father or pope.

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Q: Why is the leader of the Catholic Church named Pope?
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The leader of the Catholic Church is the pope. Today (2011) that is Pope Benedict XVI.

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The pope is the head of the Catholic Church. There is only one Catholic Church and it is not a sect. To be a Catholic Church, a church must be in union with the pope. If they are not in union with the pope, they are not Catholic.

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The easy answer if they aren't Catholic then they don't believe the Pope is the leader of their faith. The Pope is the leader of the Catholic church.