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For the same reason The Bible is important to Christians, the Bhagavad-Gita to Hindus and the Tripataka to Buddhists, because it is their holy book.

it shows the traditions and teaches them their life styles.

Updated Answer from Islamic PerspectiveQuran is important to Muslims because Quran is God revelation to Prophet Mohamed and because Quran is the main constitution and guide to Muslims to follow the right path in worshiping God (Allah) and to lead a good life and to live in harmony and mutual respect with other cultures and religions.

Muslims learn from Quran:
  • morals of life to benefits of Muslims and all mankind.
  • guides and commands for rituals and worshiping God including prayers, fasting, pilgrimage, etc.
  • rules of marriage, divorce, inheritance, finance, .... etc.
  • tales about old nations to get advice and wisdom
The Quran explains the deviations in the Bible and Torah holy book texts and explains the basic introduced deviations, namely the divinity of Jesus and the Judaic exclusiveness.

The Quran calls Muslims to think deliberately in God creations that is the right way to believe in God. In this regards, Quran contained a wide variety of scientific statements that become only proven by state of art of technology, science, and information. These scientific statements are considered as miracles of Quran that prove Quran is a God revelation and not human wrote text.
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because it is their holy book like the bible is to Christians, sent from Allah :)

Quran is the only Holy text in the whole human history that have remained unchanged after the prophet of Islam. we all know that there are several versions of the Torah ( The holy book of the jews ) and Bible ( the holy book of the christians ) that they differ in some parts. please pay attention that by several versions I don't mean translations because Quran is translated is many languages as well; but if you purchase a new bible and compare it with an old one published somewhere else you will find the context different to some extend. but about Quran this fact has never happened.

In Addition to that, Quran is filled with the rules and principles that a Muslim is ought to follow and obey. There fore this fact makes Quran very important to any muslim that tends to be a true Muslim by submitting to the commands of the God. Since we Muslims believe that Quran is the words of Allah himself, it extensively add to it's importance.

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If you mean the original language of Quran, then it is Arabic. However, there are Muslims all over the countries of the world and accordingly Quran is translated to almost all world languages to be readable by all world Muslims.

Why is the quaran important to Muslims?

Quran is important to Muslims because it is their holy book that reflects Allah (God in English; same God worshiped by Jews and Christians) word revelations to prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the angel Jibril (Gabriel). Muslims are taught from Quran all their ritual worships and what to do and what should not do. Refer to questions below for more information.

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