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The Holy Cross is a special symbol of Christianity. Because The Holy Cross, represents how our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, was beaten to death, crucified on the Cross, and nailed to the Cross, to take away all of our sins.

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Q: Why is the Holy Cross a symbol of the Christianic faith?
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The Holy Cross has a religious meaning to people in the Christian faith due to the links between the cross and Jesus Christ's crucifixion. The crucifix is often used in Christian churches.

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"Holy cross" or "saint cross" meaning the Christian symbol of the crucifixion of Christ.

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Because the cross is a holy symbol. It is also referred in various areas, that the cross burns vampires, much like holy water and fire.

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The gestures used to pray the sign of the cross embody the belief in the Trinity by physically symbolizing the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit through touching the forehead, chest, left shoulder, and right shoulder. This physical act reinforces the words spoken during the prayer, creating a holistic expression of faith that engages both the body and the voice.

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To show their belief of the Christian Faith, and show their admiration and loyalty to the father, the son and the holy spirit.

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The only symbol for people of the various Baptist denomination of the Christian faith is the Cross. This cross is always depicted as empty, unlike the Catholic Cross or crucifix which still has the image of our risen Savior on it. It is empty because Jesus Christ work on the cross is, as in Christ's own words, FINISHED! Praise God!

What was the symbol the crusaders wore on their tunics?

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