This depends on the Hindu in question. Some Hindus don't think of any symbols as important, some think of all symbols as important, some think of certain symbols as important and others as unimportant. Usually the list of important symbols would be the swastika and the Om.
Just as Cross is important to christians and the crescent and star are important to muslims. Swastika for hindus denotes welfare of the whole world and Om stands for the Supreme spirit in the world.
it is important to Hindu's because they think that if they burn or scatter ashes here it will purify their souls!
India has the largest Hindu population. 60 million Hindus are in India. So the largest population is in India.
so they can show there feelings and show appreciation.
Yes, but there are different kinds of Hindu's and there are also family rules, so although being Hindu does not mean you can't date, some Hindu's cannot.
people of rajastan are mostly hindus, so they have Hindu views or religion
Hindu dharm comes from vedas . So they learn ved . Actually we should not called as "hindu dharam" instead of it must be "vedic dharam"
Lord Ganesha is the son of lord Shiva Ganesha is worshiped by not many hindus but by all hindus who believe in god as he is the symbol of auspeciousness, when ever we start any new work or new things has been brought then Hindu worship lord Ganesha so that our task or work or business will run fruitfully without any problem or interupption and we get all good luck.
It had a large number of Hindu members when it was formed.It also contained mainly Orthodox Hindus. So during its early life it was an exclusive Hindu organization
Diwali is important to hindus, because of the goddess and after Diwali theres lot of story about the goddess
Absolutely Yes. Although all Hindu religious traditions originated in India or Bharat, which is the ancient name of India, Hindu sages and saints travelled outside of India to spread Hindu religious traditions and culture. Hence, there are Hindus in almost all countries of the world. However, the largest concentrations are in Asia. Due to invasions from outside by various Islamic Rulers, millions of Hindus were converted by force. Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan were all Hindu in the past. Except for Indonesia, they were all part of India as well. There are no formal ceremonies to become a Hindu unless one had adopted or were born into a Non Hindu religious tradition. The children of all Hindus are considered Hindus. Those who wish to embrace the Hindu way of life can do so by accepting any of the hundreds of religious traditions of Hindus. Religion is not organised amongst Hindus and will never be organized. Hindus do not believe in organized religion. That is the reason why Hindus have hundreds of religious traditions within it and may have more in the future. Some of the non Hindus who have accepted the Hindu way of life include Dr. David Frawley, Alfred Ford, Robert Oppenhiemer among millions of others. All Hindus believe that truth is one and sages may call it by various names. Truth and God is interchangeable for Hindus. Hindus believe in freedom of thought, expression and worship. Hindus also believe that the whole creation is devine and the whole world is a family. Hindus are against religious conversion. However, those interested in following a Hindu way of life are welcome any time any where.
It absorbed many different religions and cultures and ways of life and the only rule to being Hindu is saying that you are a Hindu. So Hindus can believe literally anything.
Gandhi was a Hindu but he believed in peace between Hindus and Muslims and fasted for many days so that there would be peace between them. In the end he was assassinated by a Hindu Nationalist because of his message of peace and unity.