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it is considered a great literature because it speaks about God and the family tree.

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The Bible is an unique book like no other on Earth. It is a living, active book. The Apostle Paul wrote, "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing assunder of the soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart" (Hebrews 4:12) One must interact with it to get true value out of owning one :)

This best selling book (for Centuries ) is big business today as shown by the religious organization 'Zondervan' selling its business in 1988 to none other than media-mogul, Rupert Murdoch's empire News Corp.

The Bible is basically divided into thirds: history, prophecy, and religious instruction. The history isprimarily that of the House of Israel and those countries that interacted with it. Its prophecy concerns the end-time events of mankind yet as it involves the MODERN nations of Israel (including the Lost 10 Tribes) culminating with Jesus Christ's 2nd Coming. The Bible's religious instructions is a thorough listing of God-inspired doctrines for daily living, showing the way to eternal salvation, wisdom to life's challenges and most of all, it codifies God's Law of Love - the 10 Commandments.

Sadly today, the Bible is known as the best seller nobody reads. It seems buying a copy is all the rage, but because it requires your time and deep attention to 'put the puzzle' together, it soon becomes a dust collector. Yet America's Founding Fathers were fully schooled in it and even Newsweek in a religious article once wrote that historians recognized the Bible, more than the Constitution, was the founding document for the establishment of the USA. The article also mentions how Bible study was the CORE of public education and how nearly every literate family owned one and regularly and reverently read it. Just look at the beginnings of our great Universities like Harvard, Yale, Princeton and see the curriculum. Amazing how far away we have drifted - and perhaps not for our benefit.

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Because it is the most well known book that will point you to Jesus and eternal life. The Gospel of John is a good place to start.

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Q: Why is the Bible considered to be a great literature?
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