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SGI is based on the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin. He was a very controversial C13 Buddhist teacher who, based on the teachings of the Lotus Sutra, said that women were equal to men (revolutionary stuff in Japan at that time) and also that everyone could attain Buddhahood in this lifetime. Hence he was repeatedly persecuted and exiled by the government who preferred the common people to follow other teachings that postponed their happiness until the afterlife. No surprise there then. The government also tried unsuccessfully to decapitate him.

Soka Gakkai is the biggest Nichiren-based organisation in the world and is unique because it is the only global peace movement that bases itself on individual personal transformations. People who chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo come to realise just how powerful they are to make changes in their lives - is that controversial? Only because some politicians and many powerful media moguls would prefer people to carry on feeling weak and powerless.

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How many people practice Nichiren Buddhism?

The number of people who practice Nichiren's Buddhism depends upon whether you're counting the Soka Gakkai/Soka Gakkai International or Nichiren Shoshu. within the SGI is in 192+ countries/territories around the world I'm unsure of the exact number of members. I have no idea about Shoshu as I am not affilliated with them.

Is the Soka Gakkai a Cult?

The Soka Gakkai is a controversial organization that has been labeled as a cult by some critics due to its hierarchical structure, focus on a single charismatic leader, and pressure to recruit new members. However, followers of the Soka Gakkai believe it is a legitimate Buddhist movement that promotes peace and personal development. Ultimately, whether or not it is considered a cult is subjective and depends on individual perspectives.

What has the author Vicki Rea Holtzapple written?

Vicki Rea Holtzapple has written: 'Soka Gakkai in midwestern America'

How has the organisation soka gakkai international contributed towards world peace?

Through the practice of Nichiren Daishoni's Buddhism people can positively chage themselves and effect change in their environment. Once one's life is positively changed through this practice, the result is true happiness of that individual. Ultimately, he(or she) will want to share this with others. The Soka Gakkai is an organization that encourages it's members in this Buddhist practice. It continues to grow in membership and currently is present in 192 countries with approx 12 millions members worldwide. The Soka Gakkai contribution to cultural exchange, global peacebuilding (understanding against nuclear and conventional warfare) and the development of youth make it one of the world largest peace orgainzations

Who reads the lotus surta out loud to the people?

Soka Gakkai is particularly concerned with the Lotus Sutra. Anyone who follows the teachings of Nichiren is likely to have said it out loud at some point!

When was Sōka Gakkai created?

Sōka Gakkai was created in 1930.

Are there Buddhist centers in Guernsey?

No, but there are groups with which you can practice. Google 'Buddhism Guernsey' and you will find one of them, a Soka Gakkai / Nichiren group. There is also a Zen group which meets less often at the moment. This is advertised in the 'community diary' of the Globe, a local free newspaper.

What does soka mean?

"Soka" can mean different things depending on the context. In Japanese, "soka" can mean "I see" or "I understand." In Soka, a central African Bantu ethnic group, "soka" means traditional rain-making ceremonies.

When was Nippon Naibunpi Gakkai Zasshi created?

Nippon Naibunpi Gakkai Zasshi was created in 1925.

What is Soka University of America's motto?

Soka University of America's motto is '

When was Soka University of America created?

Soka University of America was created in 1987.