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Islam is what is known as an "orthopractic" religion, which is one that stresses the overt signs of faith in preference to the doctrinal beliefs (as is done in those religions termed "orthodox"). Obviously, the clergy would prefer that their followers both believed and obeyed in the correct way (that's what the "ortho-" part means), but each faith ultimately shows a preference, and Islam prefers the ritual.

Another way to express the same idea is to say that Islam has an "agenda" (list of things it wants done) rather than a "credenza" (body of beliefs to be accepted).

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Sorry to start answering a question with a question, but why is any wedding ceremony important.

It marks the start of a new life for a couple, a joining of hands and hearts.

a new family being created.

Its in all cultures that this is important

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Ramzan is a festival in which they fast to repent.

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Q: Why is ritual so important to Muslim prayer?
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Becuase then you can sho Allah respect and so he will trust you that you are a fellow Muslim. You don't. A Muslim can worship anywhere, as long as it's clean. However, prayer in a group is rewarded more than prayer by oneself.

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What is an Islamic ritual or tradition?

Perhaps the most well-known Muslim practices among non-Muslims is ritual prayer, or salat, which is performed five times a day: at dawn (al-fajr), midday (al-zuhr), afternoon (al-'asr), sunset (al-maghrib) and evening (al-'isha).

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All of the 5 prayer times are convenient for a Muslim . Answer 2: The answer above would be the ideal, but in reality it's not so to majority muslims. The most inconvenient prayer time would be the early one of Fajr.

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There are none. Christ was Jewish, not Muslim.

What takes place in the Friday ceremony for Muslims?

Muslims listen to a sermon then pray Jumaa prayer. Jumaa means "gathering" or "mass" (Friday in Arabic is named after this prayer). What really takes place in Friday in Islam is namaz-e-Jumma Jumma Means Friday in English Jumma is important Because if a Muslim doesnt pray so it is compulsory for him to pray namaz-e-Jumma 'cause according to hadith "If a Muslim doesnt pray Nammaz-e-Jumma I Hazrat Muhammed PBUH will like to Burn That person's House" It is also said that Every will and wish could come true if you are a Muslim, you are a True Muslim, you pray for your wish with your heart.

How does prayer make a difference to the way Muslims live?

Muslims, like all people of faith, believe that prayer is communication with God. In prayer the Muslim brings concerns, hopes and petitions to the Creator of all. During prayer, the Muslim listens for the voice of God who speaks in the heart. Prayer opens up the Muslim to the Divine will and this affects every aspect of daily life. In prayer, the believer comes closer to God and submits to His will, which alone brings peace and joy to the heart.

Why is prayer so important?

Per Islam religion, prayer has two understandings:The first meaning is to request Allah (God in English) help and support, for example to recover from illness, to enable you to repay a loan, to lead you to success, to recover from a disappointment or grief, ... etcThe second meaning is the ritual worship that is called in Arabic 'Salat'. This ritual worship is the second pillar of Islam five pillars. It is very important as it brings you closer to God, it helps you to observe God in all your doings, it persuades you to do always good deeds and sayings and to avoid wrong and bad deeds. Denying salat intentionally and knowingly expels you from Islam followers.______________________________________________________________Per Christianity religion, prayer is important because praying is very important in a christian lifestyle.

Why are the five pillars of Islam so important to mecca?

they provide the ritual obligations that need to be followed

Why are the five pillards os Islam so important to Muslims?

they provide the ritual obligations that need to be folloed

Why are five pilars of Islam so important to Muslims?

Novanet: They provide the ritual obligations that need to be followed.

What is a Muslim mat called?

It is called a sejada, it is not holy, it is a small rectangular rug that Muslims pray on. Anything can be used as a prayer rug (clean towel, clean blanket) however because prayer is so important and done so often (5 times a day) there is an object dedicated to use for prayer.