Risalah is important to Muslims because by respecting Risalah, they are respecting their God, Allah.
Risalah means Allahs way of communicating with humans. It is known to all Muslims that Allah has communicated with them through the sacred Qur'an, the prophet Muhammad, (p.b.u.h) and Angels.
Risalah is an Arabic word that means message. It hold also for the God Islam message conveyed to people through the prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
risalah usually means the book written by an Islamic scholar describing the detailed rules of life according to Islam.
Answer 1
The statement 'Belief in Risalah is the most important belief for a Muslim' means that Muslims should value this belief above all others and trust in this belief to give them a passage to Allah
Answer 2
Risalah means Prophet-hood. Almighty Allah has sent about 124,000 Prophets (May peace be upon them all) for the guidance of humans. It is through these Prophets that Almighty God revealed His message to human beings and guided them to lead a noble and just life. Thus having belief in Risalah is one of the Five Pillars of Islam.
Without Risalah Muslims would not know how to act.Risalah is the idea that God reveals Divine Books to people through acts of prophecy. Without the idea of Risalah, the Torah, Psalms, Gospels, and the Qur'an could not have been revealed to mankind. This would make Islam impossible since nearly every major Islamic belief is derived from a revelation in one of these four books, especially the Qur'an.
Hasan Basri has written: 'Risalah Islamiyah'
Zoology is a subject of study. It is not especially important to Islam. It is important for all.
yes. virginity is important in Islam. in Islam relations should be limited only in marriage.
Hajj {pilgrimage} is the least important pillar of islam ___________________________________________________________ No pillar of Islam is less important than another. Denying any pillar of Islam five pillars intentionally by anyone expels him/her from Islam.
There are five pillars in Islam. The pillars are important because they are basics and the basis of Islam.
Islam itself.
To try to folow Muhammads in the way's that he encountered life
God is
The premise of the question is incorrect. The Shahada IS actually the most important pillar of Islam.
Well, Islam important wherever this is a majority of Muslims. One of the most important places in Islam is Mecca and Islam is very important there. Places like the UK, Southeast Asia have a lot of Muslims, but Islam isn't regarded as important as it is in Saudi Arabia.