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There are various religions with various believes, codes and rules. But in the end what do you get ?

Many countries have their own religion, and having the same religion as the official or predominant religion might get you : respect, a job, a healthy diet, or a life partner.

But when you've gone old and you draw the line, what do you really get ? You've liven your life on a set of rules, but none of them can guarantee to give you happyness, health or prevent you from dying.

So, if there are benefits, there must be in the other life. Having the correct believes and listening to the true God, that's the real benefit of a belief not of a religion.


Many religions relieve you of the burden of thinking for yourself. They can also excuse you for any secular crimes you may commit and so make you feel absolved or righteous.

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Some people will say that there are no good things about religion, and with good reason, for wars have been fought due to religion and many people have died due to religion. However, this is unfortunate and is not true of all religious people.

Some people genuinely love God and want to worship a Supreme Being and live peacefully. Some good things about religion are that they can help people live moral and productive lives, help them be better, kinder people, and encourage them to love others and to be generous and helpful. 1 John 4:8 says that "God is love", and those who strive to imitate him will obviously be more loving, better parents, better children and better citizens.

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(Matthew 5:3) 3 "Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need, since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them. . .

So, if a religion is teaching what's in The Bible, it will bring us happiness and give us a hope for the future.

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