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Money Is Not Collected Because It Is Disrespectful :( .

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Q: Why is money not collected during synagogue services judaism?
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What is done with the money collected in Jewish church?

Jews do not have churches. They have houses of worship called synagogues. Money is not normally collected in synagogues (and is NEVER collected during sabbath services).Charitable donations to a synagogue are usually made through the synagogue's office or by mail or telephone. If money is donated, it's used for the operation of the synagogue or for scholarship funds for summer camps.Tithing is completely separate from this. Tithing is the Jewish concept of donating 10% of one's money to charity (not to the synagogue).

What is a sentence with the word synagogue?

In our synagogue, we have an informal coffee-house on Saturday night, during which young people come to learn about Judaism.

Does a rabbi work on Yom Kippur?

Only at the synagogue during services

What was the day of worship in Judaism?

Jews worship God in daily prayer-services in synagogue, every day of the year. The Jewish Shabbat, during which there are longer prayer-services, is on Saturday, starting at sundown on Friday night, until Saturday after twilight.

How is the Synagogue used in the celebration of Hanukkah?

Hanukkah is a minor festival, during which the menorah (Hanukiah; candelabra) is lit at home. In the synagogue services, certain prayers and Torah-readings are added to the usual weekday services.

What religion observes by refraining from work and attending a synagogue?

Judaism during the Shabbat and major festivals. On weekdays there are prayers but work is permitted.

Who uses the bimah?

The bimah is the raised platform located either at the front or centre of a synagogue. It's from the bimah that religious services are led. This means that you can find the Rabbi, Cantor, and synagogue officials on the bimah during services.

What is the bimah?

The bimah is the raised platform located at the center of a synagogue. It is used for reading the Torah out loud during the services.

Who uses the Torah scroll today?

Jews read from Torah-scrolls during synagogue services, and learn its content as part of the command to study it (Deuteronomy ch.11).

When do jews attend the synagogue?

There is no religious law requiring attendance at synagogue. Group prayer can take place anywhere 10 or more Jewish men are gathered and for most Conservative and Reform groups, 10 or more Jewish men and women.

What is judaism's central person?

Spiritual leaders are called Rabbis. The person who leads prayers during religious services are called cantors. Judaism is not a centralised religion and doesn't have the hierachy associated with other religions.

Why do some Bar Mitzvahs and Bat Mitzvahs take place on Saturday morning during Shabbat services while other take place after Shabbat services?

My Reform synagogue is that way. I think it may have something to do with privacy issues.