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People who want to keep prayer in schools do not compartmentalize their lives, putting education and religion in different boxes. For many, religion is part of a good education.

On the other hand, the trend now is secularization of our societies, and this would of course include public schools. Praying is an out-dated practice that only distracts from learning the three R's.

I believe there is a compromise: Allow anyone who wants to pray to do so as long as it does not disrupt the classroom. Banning it is a form of intolerance, and we probably need less of that demonstrated to young people. No one has all the answers. For some they come with prayer and for others the answers are only available in the world of facts and science. Why not use both avenues at the same time?

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Self-confidence, stress-relief, spirituality/morality, and a last resort for those who have neglected to study for a big test.

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