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"Saint" means sanctified or cleansed. People in the old testament were not sanctified. Sanctification is only by the sacrifice of Jesus.

To understand The Bible, the first thing you must get straight is to whom it is addressed. It does not all apply to everybody everywhere. It is like a letter addressed to your uncle: you can read it and learn from it, but when it commands to do something you are not bound by that command because it was not addressed to you. Most of the Old Testament law applied only to the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi, the people we now call Jews. The other tribes of Israel, the gentiles, and strangers were not affected, although some of the laws applied to everybody.

Another key is that things are not always available. God is a spirit, so He can only speak to spirit. Moses did not have the spirit upon him, so God had to conjure a burning bush which Moses could see and believe, and then it was available for God to speak from the bush. Then God put a portion of His spirit *upon* Moses, not *within*, so after that He could speak directly without the magic show. After Jesus went to heaven it became available to have the spirit born *within* a believer, so it can not die or be lost by disobedience. That is to say, no matter how badly you behave you are still your daddy's son. None of these things were available in old testament times.

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Because he wasn't a Catholic, he was a Hebrew.

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Q: Why is it Moses not called Saint Moses and also Abraham as Saint Abraham?
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