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There is no right or wrong answer to this question. Different Catholics are going to have different things that they like the most about the Eucharist.

Perhaps a consensus would emerge around the fact that, in receiving the Eucharist, our Lord and Savior comes to abide within us, to live and dwell within us. That is certainly one of the most amazing things about the Eucharist.

What is also amazing is that it is only in transubstantiation (in the transformation from "bread and wine" to "Body and Blood") that the substance changes whereas the accidents remain the same. This is a miracle that defies the laws of nature. How many people do you know that can say they have an opportunity to witness a miracle every day? (wherever Mass is being celebrated)

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13y ago

I like that it makes me close to the Lord and reminds me of his sacrifice and the sacrifice all must make to find their way to him.


The Lords Supper reminds me, as stated in The Bible that we do this in Remembrance of Him and what He went though so we could have life and have it more abundantly. By His Stripes we were healed.

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13y ago

The Eucharist is special because Jesus is present in it under the appearances of bread and wine. Not only are we able to look at and adore the Eucharist, but we are also able to receive the Body, Soul, and Divinity of our Lord.

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12y ago
Roman Catholic AnswerWhen I think of the Most Holy Eucharist, I mainly have thoughts of love, and of fear: love that Almighty God went through everything He did to save me; and fear that anything I should do would offend Him.
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The church says that the Eucharist is the body of Jesus, so in essence, the Eucharist is holy

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yes, they can give the eucharist.

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