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In Genesis 15:9, 10, God made a covenant - a blood covenant - with Abram, affirming His relationship with him (the Abrahamic covenant).

In Exodus 24:3-8 God again made a blood covenant - with the children of Israel, affirming His relationship with them (the Sinai or Mosaic covenant).

In Matthew 26:26, Mark 14:22, and Luke 22:19, Jesus, God's Son, made a blood covenant - with His disciples, affirming His relationship with them. At that time, a new dispensation was brought in. An historical page was turned. A point of remembrance (an altar) was erected. Without Jesus' body and blood, there is no alternative but to be under the old Mosaic covenant, and thus, under the law. But Jesus fulfilled the law and paid the price for sin with His own body and blood... and that's what He wants us to remember as often as we eat the bread and drink the cup.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Think about the phrase "You are what you eat." By eating Jesus' body and drinking his blood, you bring yourself closer to him. Since you are what you eat, you become one with Jesus by partaking in communion. Jesus commands us to do this because he wants us to be closer to him.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

because the church was built on the foundation of christ so if we believe and want to follow god we must believe and follow the church

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Q: Why is belief in the church as the body of christ important for christians?
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