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Many people assume that Protestants are called Protestant simply because they are somehow protesting against the Catholic Church. That's almost historically correct, but not completely.

In 1529, The Diet of Speyer reaffirmed an earlier decision of the Diet of Worms in 1521. Both decisions banned Martin Luther's 95 Theses within the Holy Roman Empire. In 152T9, the Lutheran Princes within the Empire wrote a public Letter of Protest against this decision, and this group of Lutheran Princes became known as Protestants.

In time, the term Protestant was extended from the protesting Princes to include the religious reformers, such as Luther, Calvin and Zwingli.

Still later, the term Protestant came to include anyone who believes in Jesus Christ, but who does not worship within the Roman Catholic Church, or within the Eastern Orthodox Churches.

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Q: Why is a part of the Christian church called Protestant?
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