There are a number of reasons.
monk tradition
bald guys
The character with a bald head that shone like a looking glass in the Canterbury Tales is the Miller. He is described as having a large, wart-covered nose and a red beard.
it is a monk seal that lives in Hawaii, airgo the name: Hawaiian Monk seal The Hawaiian Monk Seal is an endangered seal that is endemic to the waters around the Hawaiian Islands. Known to the native Hawaiians as ʻIlio holo i ka uaua (dog that runs in rough waters), they get their common name from their bald appearance, solitary habits, and folds of skin around their heads which resembles a monk's hood. More info at link below.
They had to wear a black habit (cloak) with a cowl (hood). The habit was tied at the waist with a girdle (belt) and the monk wore sandals. I think it was designed by Saint Benedict. Didn't monks look strange with that purposeful bald patch?!
Aang -The last air bender (bald monk kid) Katara- the girl water bender Sokka - katara's brother Appa-flying bissen Momo-monkey
The monk was smart and funny. The monk is nice The monk lives in the mountain
Monks typically live in monasteries, follow a specific religious rule, and lead a contemplative life dedicated to prayer and meditation. Friars, on the other hand, are members of a religious order who live and work in the community, often engaging in ministry and service to others outside of a monastery setting. Their roles and lifestyles within the church are distinct.
A Monk is the masculine, and the Nun is the feminine of Monk.
Monk knows.
Monk - 2002 Mr- Monk and Mrs- Monk 4-6 is rated/received certificates of: Portugal:M/12
That is the correct spelling of "bald head" (adjective bald or bald-headed).