The Iraq war was started in March 20, 2003 (Operation Iraqi Freedom). It was started because George W. Bush sent in troops to Iraq. He said that there are, " Weapons of mass destruction", but truly we are there just for oil. There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq just a whole lot of oil. So lets all thank the president now.
The fighting started in each case for different reasons.
In Iraq
The US invasion (on the pretext that Saddam Hussein had a weapons of mass destruction) which resulted in the overthrow of Saddam's Dictatorship and an upsurge in ethnic tensions and conflicts. The new government of Iraq was a Shiite majority which alienated its Sunni minority. Militias of both groups fight violently against one another.
In Syria
Initially, the Arab Spring protests which has uprooted the regimes in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and threatened to uproot those in other countries migrated to Syria. The values that undergirded the original Arab Spring in Syria included campaigning for more democracy, developing economic self-sufficiency and equality, freedom to criticize the government, unified Syrian citizenship (as opposed to ethnic and religious loyalties), and transparent government. After a few weeks, the regime decided to open fire on the protesters, thus leading to open conflict. As a result, the Arab Spring values have fallen by the wayside as the conflict has escalated and continues to escalate. Currently over 200,000 people have died.
In both Syria and Iraq, the Sunni Islamist Extremist Group called the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant has further plunged the region into chaos.
As of October 2015, the war in Syria is not over.
Syria is involved in a civil war now, 2014
Syria at that time was not independent.
Syria was under the mandate of France after W 1.
Jordan allied with Egypt and Syria in the Six Day War.
there is a war in Syria because Syrians want a change but the government don't want Syria to change.
No. While Syria was technically in a de jure state of war with Israel, there were no military actions going on in Syria nor were Syrian soldiers involved in conflict in 2009 and 2010. It was only in 2011 that the Syrian Civil War began.
To date, there has never been a war between the US and any regime that held power in Syria. The closest the US has come is its current airstrikes against the Islamic State.
This is the Six Day War.
Syria was a French Colony when the war began. When France was invaded & defeated by Germany, then Syria came under the control of the Vichy French government which was an ally of Germany (Hitler). The Vichy French in Syria did very little to help Hitler, because they were too distant from where Germany was fighting. The British military in the Middle East defeated the Vichy French forces in Syria early in the war, thereafter Syria was under the control of Britain until the end of the war. Although combat between the British & Hitler's allies (Vichy French) took place in Syria, Syria & its citizens were generally not allied with either side during the war.