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ANSWERIn the premortal life, where we lived in God's presence, God presented a plan whereby His children could come to this earth and gain a body (which is a blessing and is necessary for progression, or else why would Christ have taken His body again in the resurection, see Luke 24:39, 3Ne 11:12-15, for more see and learn to distinguish between right and wrong. Satan attempted to usurp God's plan and was cast out of heaven to this earth and denied the chance of receiving a physical body. He and his followers, as spirits, tempt and try humanity. Because Satan does not have a body and is the leader of those that followed him, he is called the prince of the air. It is a definition that represents his non-corporeal nature. See Revelations 12:4, Abraham 3:22-28.


At Ephesians 2:2, Satan is referred to by that title.

Air is something that surrounds us, we are completely immersed in it. We can't get away from it.

That is the way it is with Satan's influence in the world around us. Everywhere you look, you see the corruption that is a direct result of Satan's influence. You can't get completely away from it. It surrounds us as if it were air. In that way, Satan is the Prince (or ruler) of the "air."


I thought Satan was prince of Fire since he lives in Hell which is fire and all you know


Ephesians 2:2 refers to Satan as the "ruler of the authority of the air." Or in some translations as "Prince of the air."

Also Satan is of all things aerial, prince of the air might also mean that UFOs, Alien abductions etc are from Satan as part of an inter breeding program designed to implement the strategy of Satan to decieve this world. These half breeds would make ideal channels to spread and help setup Satans evil plan. Just as the fallen ones did in the genesis, 'the begining of time' The Sons Of Gods (The Nephilim) The Fallen Ones.

"The Nephilim were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them."

I would suggest watching some of these videos

Satan's sway over the culture is above all ethereal and includes the arts, especially the electronic and visual media. The most pronounced of this media is transmitted via " air waves".


This is conjecture, but it may have to do with the brainwaves of humans. Studies reveal four categories of human brainwaves, ranging from the most active to least active frequencies in the electrochemical function of the human brain.

This may be compared to the "radio waves" that are all around us, but which we cannot hear or see, because our brain isn't tuned into all of those frequencies buzzing invisibly and inaudibly around and through us, daily. We might well go insane if we heard them all at once.

The same might be said of "white light," but that's another subject.

The "prince of the power of the air" (Eph.2:2) may well be on the same "frequency" as the human brain... and is able to communicate freely in influential thought processes, as well as full-blown possession of certain people, as the case may be:

"...then entered Satan into Judas..." (Luke 22:3).

There are many examples of spirit possession in The Bible... demons (unclean spirits) whom Jesus cast out of people.

Satan is also prophesied to give the coming Beast his power (Rev.13:2). And just before Jesus descends upon the earth to establish His Kingdom... Satan and his two human dupes, the Beast and False Prophet, through demons, call the human leaders of the nations of the world to gather their armies at Armageddon to fight Him:

"...I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the Dragon (Satan), and out of the mouth of the Beast, and out of the mouth of the False Prophet. For they are the spirits of devils (demons), working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that Great Day of God Almighty... and he (should be THEY, the three unclean spirits) gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon." (Rev.16:13-16)

Many people speak of "hearing voices" or "being in contact with spirits." Sometimes they are believed and sometimes they aren't. Even king Saul once entertained a "familiar spirit" of a witch, that appeared to him in the guise of Samuel (I Samuel 28:7-14).

The spirits seem to move at will through the air, but always restless and in search of a "host." It is only reasonable that these spirits would function on the frequencies of the human brain... and that Satan, their "prince" (king), would possess the same powers and more.

Air does more than carry oxygen and pollutants. It carries many invisible things... light, sound waves, radio waves... and maybe the influential thoughts of the spirits and their "prince" attuned to the human mind.

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no more,Jesus trumps satan still has a freewill and is ignorant and satan is still a deciever."The kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force".it's up to us as a body of believers to take ground and occupy what already belongs to is a battle but the victory is ours.YOU GO INTO ALL THE WORLD...

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