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It should first be noted that Qom is really only important to Shiite Muslims. Sunnis are not interested in the city.

Qom is a holy site in Shiite Islam since it has the Shrine of Fatimah bint Musa al-Kadhim. She was the sister of one of the Twelve Shiite Infallible Imams, specifically Imam Reza who lived from 789-816 C.E. Since that time the city has become the largest center for Shiite scholarship in the world, and is a significant destination of pilgrimage. In more recent history, Ayatollah Khomeini, the leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, was educated and led his movement against the Shah (prior to exile) from the city of Qom.

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the city of Qom nowadays counted as important religious center for scientific investigation and also there are many great Shia scholars who have courses there and educated many pupils.

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