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Mother Mary is pictured stepping on a serpent because in Genesis it was the serpent that tricked Adam and Eve into eating of the forbidden fruit. For a complete understanding of this read Genesis 3:14-15. There you will find what God says to the serpent regarding Mary who is the woman God speaks of in that passage.

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11y ago

There's probably more than one depiction like that, and its popularity may vary from one country to another. In the US, the answer that immediately comes to mind is Our Lady of Grace.

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13y ago

The Virgin Mary was born without original Sin. The serpent in the Garden of Eden represents original Sin. The Virgin Mary is standing on the Serpent to show she escaped original Sin.

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12y ago

There are many images where the Blessed Virgin stands on a snake, but the most common is Our Lady of Grace, and the Immaculate Conception.

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8y ago

The Woman who crushes the head of the Serpent (Genesis chapter 3, verse 15).

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13y ago

The snake represents the devil.

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Please send me the statue

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Our lady of mount Carmel

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