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Yes. Lucifer comes from the Latin words, lucem ferre, which mean "light-bearer", a name for the dawn appearance of the planet Venus (the Morning Star) which was to be seen as daylight approached. Originally, this had nothing to do with the Christian devil, but the confusion comes from an early Christian misinterpretation of the Hebrew scriptures.

Isaiah chapter 14 talks of the pomp and splendour of the king of Babylon, who had ruled the nations in anger, and his fate after his overthrow by the king of Persia. He had compared himself to the morning star (and was thus derisorily called 'Lucifer') and had thought that he would ascend into heaven and sit among the stars, but was now himself persecuted. He has become weak and like one of us; he will go to hell. This passage was misunderstood by Christian translators, resulting in the widespread Christian view that Lucifer and the devil are one.

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Q: Why is Lucifer also known as the Morning Star?
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This is a reference to Lucifer who is also known as 'Son of the Morning'.

What does lucfier mean?

Lucifer means bright star. Lucifer was said to be the chief musician in Heaven before he was cast into Hell. Some also believe that there will be no music in Heaven because Lucifer will not be there.

Which is also calledthe evening star?

Planet Venus is known as the morning star, and also as the evening star.

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When does Satan enter the bible?

The name "satan" is in fact a description. In Hebrew it means accuser. The devil was also known as Lucifer, which meant morning star, or day star. He was originally described as the greatest of all angels and was included from the begining of the bible, however his first appearance as the tempter was in Genesis when he apeared before Eve.

Does luck mean lucifer?

No. Lucifer, son of the morningThis is the only verse in the bible that mentions Lucifer. Although most Christians consider Lucifer to be Satan (the devil), there is little biblical justification for doing so. In this verse "Lucifer" refers to the king of Babylon (Nebuchadrezzar?) and Lucifer (the light bearer) is also called the "son of the morning" or morning star. The only other person that is referred to in that way is Jesus (Rev.22:16Lucifer means the (shining one. Hebrew)(the bringer of dawn. Greek)(light bearer.Latin) as used in Isa 14:12 which is talking about how Satan himself was cast from heaven.The verse Rev 22:16 reads "'I, Jesus, sent my angel to bear witness to YOU people of these things for the congregations. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright morning star." So in conclusion lucifer does not mean good luck nor does it have any connection with the bright morning which Jesus is referred.

What is the name of Lucifer?

lucifer was the name of lucifer when he was an angel. he became Satan when he rebelled against God actually lucifer was called samiel i think this is the spelling i could be wrong but this was his name in heaven he became lucifer after he fell from heaven

What planet gets so bright as to be seen in daylight at times?

Venus also known as the "morning star".

Which planet is also known as the morning star?

Venus. This season, in January 2011, Venus _is_ the Morning Star. Go outside before sunrise and look east; except for the Moon, Venus is the brightest thing there.

Is lucifer the supreme one of freemasonry?

The term "Lucifer" defined means "Light-Bearer" or "Morning Star". This word/name is never referred to within the ritual of Freemasonry as being a "Supreme One". Freemasons refer to "The Great Architect of the Universe" as being the supreme deity, such having crafted the universe and its laws. Much confusion has arisen among non-Masons based upon misinformed readings of works by Albert Pike and Manly P. Hall.As Freemasons we often hear from misinformed individuals who believe that "Lucifer" is synonymous with "The Satan" referred to in Christian scriptures. A simple comparison within Christian Scripture of Isaiah 14:12 with Revelation 22:16 will demonstrate that "Lucifer" in Isaiah's book cannot refer to The Satan, as this terminology is applied to Jesus in the Book of Revelation.Rather the term "Lucifer" was introduced by Saint Jerome into Isaiah 14:12, and was a liberal translation of "glowing star son of the morning". Originally the term "Lucifer" referred to the planet Venus (see "Lucifer" in the Catholic Encyclopedia), also referred to as the "bright morning star". In context of Isaiah 14:12, "Lucifer" was the fallen King of Babylon - a human being.Finally it is also interesting to note that "Christ" is called "Lucifer" in the Roman Catholic Exultet (Easter Proclamation) in praise of the Paschal Candle. The Latin is:"Flammas eius Lucifer matutinus inveniat:ille, inquam, Lucifer, qui nescit occasum,Christus Filius tuus qui,regressus ab inferis,humano generi serenus illuxit,et vivit et regnat in saecula saeculorum."Translated into English:"This flame be found still burning by the Morning Star:the one Morning Star who never sets,Christ your Son who,coming back from death's domain,has shed his peaceful light on humanity,and lives and reigns for ever and ever."

What are the names of Venus?

Venus, the second planet from the sun, is also known as the "Evening Star" and the "Morning Star" due to its visibility in the sky during those times. It is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty.

Which planet is the brightest planet viewed from earth?

Venus, also known as the morning or evening star, you can also see phases on it just like you can the moon.