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In the Old Testament, God wanted the Isrealites to be close to Him. So He had Moses build the Trinity a tabernacle, which means dwelling place. Only the Levites could go into the Tabernacle. They had different jobs, but the priests interceded for Israel and would ask God to forgive Israel. But when Jesus was on the cross, the veil was ripped in half, and now we can 'go into the tabernacle'. We can talk to God on our own.

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The tabernacle was first intended for the reservation of the Eucharist in a worthy place so that it could be brought to the sick and those absent outside of Mass. As faith in the real presence of Christ in his Eucharist deepened, the Church became conscious of the meaning of silent adoration of the Lord present under the Eucharistic species. It is for this reason that the tabernacle should be located in an especially worthy place in the church and should be constructed in such a way that it emphasizes and manifests the truth of the real presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.

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It signifies that the Blessed Sacrament is present in the tabernacle.

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The light or candle over the tabernacle tells you Jesus is present. At mass, Jesus is present in the Eucharist; also in the scripture readings.

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This is the Salt Lake Tabernacle, built and owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and home of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. It is located on Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah.

How do you know the consecrated bread is in the tabernacle?

It simply the bread that is sacred and it represents the body of Christ.

Is the Brooklyn tabernacle Mormon?

No. The Brooklyn Tabernacle is a non-denominational Christian church known for it's choir. They are not affiliated in anyway with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (commonly called "Mormons") The Mormon Tabernacle Choir IS, however, Mormon.

What is lit at the Easter Vigil as a symbol of Jesus' Resurrection?

The Candle over the Tabernacle, where the Blessed Sacrament is kept.

Where on the altar does the priest store the consecrated Body of Jesus?

Consecrated Hosts are stored in a locked Tabernacle, not on the altar. The Tabernacle may be located immediately behind the main altar or on its own pedestal in the Church, non on the altar.

What is the sanctuary lamp catholic?

the sanctuary lamp is a light or lit candle that shines red; it indicates the presence of Jesus in the tabernacle

What is the Badger skin in the tabernacle of Moses?

badgers skin was a rough and none attractive skin from badgers obviously. But its a type of Jesus christ because inside that badges skin (which was the outside of the tabernacle) was the GLORY OF GOD.. This is a type of Jesus because he was not attractive, was flesh, but inside him dwelt the Glory of God (1tim 3:16)

What do you call a candle that gives honor to the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle?

Catholic AnswerThe candle by the tabernacle, which is required to be burning anytime Our Blessed Lord is reserved in the tabernacle, is not necessarily red. Most parishes I know have a clear container for the candle, although some have a red one. There is no particular meaning, although red usually refers to the Sacred Heart (Our Blessed Lord, Jesus) and blue means Our Blessed Lady, the Immaculate Heart.