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The Creator of heaven and earth is God. God is the supreme God and it is He who started the nation of Israel and gave them His law to live by (The Law of Moses). This was the start of true religion. This Law of Moses is called the "Old Covenant" that God made with His people.

About 2000 years ago God sent His Son, Jesus Christ to earth to die on the cross of Calvary, be buried, and resurrect the third day. This act of Jesus was to save mankind from their sins. (Something the Law could not do) This act of dying and resurrecting also ended the "Old Covenant" and began the "New Covenant".

You will notice The Bible is in two parts. The Old Testament pertains to the "Old Covenant" and the New Testament pertains to the "New Covenant".

Jesus Christ is not just a religious Leader, He is the ultimate Leader. John 14:6, Jesus tells us, " I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. This tells us that Jesus is the only way to heaven.

There is only one God and one Savior whereby men can be saved. God and Jesus are the same, the One God.

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Reynold Berge

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1y ago
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Q: Why is Jesus a leader?
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