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The sabbath was instituted by God at Creation as the seventh day - the day when God 'rested'.

Therefore God is in control of, or Lord of, the sabbath.

Christians believe that Jesus' claims to be divine are true, and that Jesus is, indeed, God incarnate.

Therefore Jesus, as God, is also Lord of the Sabbath. And in saying this, Jesus took the opportunity (one of many in other situations) of declaring his divinity.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

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Jesus called himself "Lord of the sabbath" at Matthew 12:8. The Sabbath day brought the Israelites relief from their work, and contrary to the orders of the pompous religious leaders of his day, Jesus performed many miraculous works on the Sabbath. (Luke 13:10-13; John 5:5-9; 9:1-14)(Matthew 12:12). The Sabbath was also to be "a shadow of the good things to come..."(Colossians 2:16, 17) at which time, Jesus would truly become 'Lord of the Sabbath' as he rules for a thousand years, bringing true rest and peace to all faithful mankind on earth.(Revelation 19:16; 20:6)(Revelation 21:1-4).


The sabbath was instituted by God at Creation as the seventh day - the day when God 'rested'.

Therefore God is in control of, or Lord of, the sabbath.

Christians believe that Jesus' claims to be divine are true, and that Jesus is, indeed, God incarnate.

Therefore Jesus, as God, is also Lord of the Sabbath. And in saying this, Jesus took the opportunity (one of many in other situations) of declaring his divinity.

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Q: Why is Jesus 'Lord of the Sabbath'?
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Exodus 20:6 "The SEVENTH Day IS the Sabbath of the Lord your God...."Luke 24:1 "Early on the FIRST day of the week Jesus arose from the tomb..."No debate needed.

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As it was Jesus who under the direction of His Father (God) created this world and populated it. He completed his task on the 6th day, (This time is only figurative) and on the 7th He rested, and the Lord hallowed it and sanctified it He becoming Lord of the sabbath.

Which of the Ten Commandments is not in the New Testament?

Keeping the SabbathAnother Answer:They all are as Jesus was the perfect living example of each - He is Lord of the Sabbath.

Is it necessary to keep the Sabbath?

For Christians, no. ---------------------------------- Yes, Christians need to keep the Sabbath, for the Sabbath was established by God (Exodus 20:8-11). To follow Christ's teachings would mean you are a Christian, you can't pick and chose what sounds nice to you. Jesus said in Matthew 22:37-38 " "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and mind. This is the first and greatest commandment." " But how can we "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and mind." And if we love the Lord our God with all our heart and mind, we will keep his commands, including remembering the sabbath by keeping it holy. Not by just remembering it. == Jesus Christ abolished the sabbath in the sense of it being an obligation. If we love the Lord our God with all our heart we will gladly follow Jesus and do His will. Since Jesus is God, He has the right and the authority to command. He left no ongoing commandment to keep the sabbath. In fact when the church met in Acts 15 to discuss the very matter of keeping the Law the sabbath was not mentioned. "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy." Exodus 20:8 see also; Exodus 34:21, Numbers 15:32,36, Deuteronomy 5:12, Isaiah 56:2In short, Christians aren't selective about what they keep and what they don't, at least they shouldn't be. If Jesus clearly commanded it then Christians would do it. ------------------------------------------------------------ Yes we should follow Jesus with all our heart and all our will and yes, he is definatly God. And since Jesus is the same God as the Jehovah God in the old testement (just different name) he did too order us to keep the Sabbath worships. Jesus never abolished the Sabbath, nor did he constitute a different day.

What motivated Jesus to break the law of the Sabbath?

Remember when the man picked up sticks on the Sabbath . He was stoned to death for trying to work on Saturday. Or what that true but parabolic story actually meant was we can't work for our salvation. Salvation is of the lord lest any man shall boast. Also reference the tower of babel, they too were trying to find a way into heaven other than Jesus. But since Jesus is the way the truth and the life, salvation into salvation, He was and is the Sabbath. He couldn't break the Sabbath because He was the fulfillment of the Sabbath. God does all the saving. We contribute nothing.AnswerThe habit of Jesus was to observe the sabbath as a day of worship in the synagogues (Luke 4:16) but His failure to comply with the minute restrictions brought conflict (Mark 2:23-28, 3:1-6, Luke 13:10-17 and John 5:1-18). He told the Pharisees " The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath. Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath."Answer There are two main reason for Jesus' attitude to the Sabbath. First, the Sabbath was instituted by God as a day of rest and was meant to be a haven of rest and peace for all Jews. However, the Jewish religious officials made up draconian rules and punishments surrounding the Sabbath. As an example it was allowed to save a sheep from falling over a cliff on the Sabbath, but not a human, as the latter was considered 'work'. As a result of these petty rules the spirit of the Sabbath was lost, and, instead of being a day to look forward to dedication to God, enjoyment and rest, it became a burden on the ordinary Jew who had to adhere to petty rules and regulations that made their lives a misery. Jesus spoke out against this situation with the intention of restoring the Sabbath to the original intention of God at Creation.Secondly the mere questioning of the Sabbath Laws placed Jesus either in an extreme blasphemous position (if he wasn'tdivine) or instead having the authority of God himself. To state that he was 'Lord even of the Sabbath' gave a clear message to the Jewish authorities that Jesus claimed to be God in human form. John, who wrote his gospel with the intention of persuading the reader of the divinity of Jesus, has Jesus 'making himself equal with God' as he calls God his own father and hence has all his authority to be Lord of the Sabbath. [John 5]Therefore Jesus broke the authorities' misunderstanding of the law of the Sabbath to speak out against their hypocrisy, but, in addition skillfully used that same situation to point to just who he is - God in human form.

Was Jesus accused of working on sabbath?

yes, he healed a man of the sabbath day

Who accused Jesus of breaking the Sabbath laws and then plotted to kill him?

It was the Pharisees who accused Jesus of healing people on the sabbath, as they were very strict about it.

Why did Jesus change the sabbath day from 1st to 2nd?

Jesus did not change the Sabbath day from the 1st day of the week (Saturday) to the 2nd day (Sunday). Christians traditionally observe Sunday as the day of worship and rest to commemorate Jesus' resurrection on a Sunday, but this does not replace the importance of the Sabbath day for those who observe it on Saturday.

What rules did Jesus break?

One example pertained to the Sabbath. Jesus raised eyebrows when He and his followers picked (wheat) on the Sabbath, which is Saturday.

What did Jesus say when the disciples were picking grain on the sabbath day?

When the Pharisee reacted that Jesus violated the rules of the Sabbath, Jesus then told them about the time of King David. David and his men ate the food of the temple even it was only required for a priest.Abiathar the priest at that time allowed them because Yahweh allowed it. Jesus then told the Pharisee that the Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath.

What festivals was there in Palestine at the time of Jesus?
