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Because the mark that Confirmation leaves is like that of Baptism and Holy Orders: it is permanent.

From the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

"Like Baptism which it completes, Confirmation is given only once, for it too imprints on the soul an indelible spiritual mark, the "character," which is the sign that Jesus Christ has marked a Christian with the seal of his Spirit by clothing him with power from on high so that he may be his witness.121" [CCC 1304]

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11y ago

It depends; for a Catholic if you are a baby you can only receive one sacrament at a time. If you are an adult and a practicing Catholic you most likely receive all of them at the same time. Answer: Baptism, Holy Orders and Matrimony are the sacraments that can be received only once in the Roman Catholic Church.

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15y ago

Baptism is symbolic of joining the Church. Once you have joined a Christian church, you are already a Christian and member of that denomination, and rebaptism would have no further meaning. However, if you choose to become a member of another denomination, then your new church may offer to baptise you again. Baptism is a symbol of becoming a new person in Christ and is symbolic of the washing away of the old nature. Becoming a Christian is a once-off lifechanging event, thus baptism is only needed once. Many denominations accept baptisms performed when a member of another denomination. Others will not regard the first baptism as being legitimate depending on the mode, and so regard you as unbaptised.

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12y ago

Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders can only be received once although there are three levels of Holy Orders. Marriage can be received multiple times if a spouse dies. Reconciliation and Eucharist can be received whenever the recipient desires (within guidelines) and Anointing of the Sick can be received a number of times during illnesses, even if they are not life threatening.

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11y ago

Because it is like the Sacrament of Baptism, which is usually given to infants. At Confirmation the young adult makes his/her own decision to remain within the Church.

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11y ago

Because at Confirmation, we make an adult decision to remain within the Catholic Church.

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10y ago

The scraments that can only be recieved once are Holy Orders, Confermation, and Baptisam>

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Confirmation may be received only?

The answer to this question is very simple. The answer is once, you may only receive Confirmation once.

Can you give a sentence with confirmation?

Once you book a flight, you need to check your e-mail for a confirmation, telling you we received your information.

Which sacrament can only be received once in a lifetime?

Catholic AnswerBaptism and Confirmation, Holy Orders only once for each Order. These three sacraments change a person ontologically, they live a permanent and indelible mark. You are now a Christian, a soldier of Christ, or a priest, and nothing can change that.

Confirmation usually takes place during the?

Confirmation takes place during the time when a child reach their 12 years old age. Only those already baptized can and should receive this sacrament which can be received only once. To receive Confirmation efficaciously the candidate must be in the state of grace.

When was the sacrament confirmation received?

The Sacrament Confirmation is received after someone is baptized.

Can you receive confirmation more than once?

Once. The only sacraments one is allowed to receive more than once are Eucharist, reconciliation and anointing of the sick. You can also receive the sacraments of confession and marriage more than once.

Why and what could you receive the three sacraments once?

The three sacraments that can be received only once are: Baptism, Holy Orders and Confirmation. Of course, Holy Orders is limited to men. Each of these sacraments has a specific purpose, which once received, need not be administered again. Baptism ushers the recipient into the Church making him / her a Christian. Confirmation brings with it the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit making the recipient a "soldier" of Christ. Holy Orders makes the man receiving the sacrament a priest forever.

Is it true eucharist is the only sacrament of initiation that you receive again and again?

Yes, that is true. Baptism and Confirmation, the other two sacraments of intiation, are only received once Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders (Ordination) are all permanent and can not be repeated. Penance and the Eucharist may be received very frequently, in some instances and special circumstances more than once a day. Matrimony can be repeated if one's original spouse has died, and Unction in the circumstance where one recovers and again is mortally ill.

Use confirmation in a sentence?

Sylvia received official confirmation of the results of the exam.

Does confirmation need a capital?

Yes, because it is a proper noun. "Then he received the sacrament of Confirmation."

What sign does Baptism confirmation and holy orders have in common?

Baptism, confirmation, and holy orders are all sacraments in the Catholic Church that confer a permanent mark on the recipient. This mark, also known as a sacramental character, signifies a spiritual seal and can only be received once. It signifies a person's belonging to Christ and their mission within the Church.

Can you receive sacraments more than once?

Baptism, marriage, extreme unction and the holy orders. Answer: NO! Those sacraments listed above are one- shots in the Catholic church, with the exception of extreme unction. (If you happen to survive, you can receive extreme unction again at a later date.) Communion and Reconciliation can be repeated regularly. (The seventh sacrament on the list is First Communion, also something you can only do once.)