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According to Operation World, the growth is approximately 7.7 percent. This growth is in the underground churches, which are not associated with the Communist regulated official churches. China is third on the world persecution index, and this has tended to paradoxically spread Christianity.

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Yes. Most large cities seem to have at least two churches - Catholic and Protestant. Estimates of the proportion of the population represented by Christians vary, but it is probably over 5 per cent of the total.

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14y ago

Yes. Most large cities have at least one or two churches, and Western missionaries can occasionally be found travelling through the country. Macao, which has reverted to Chinese rule, has several very beautiful churches.

However communists are inherently atheist, they fear religion as a potential threat. People might unite and stand against their Dictatorship. That's why you don't have the right to assemble.

In addition to the above:

The 'official' Christian Church of China is tolerated by the Chinese authorities, but it is heavily monitored and controlled by the communist state.

In addition to this Church there are many thousands of 'house churches' where groups of Christians meet in each others' homes. These Christians suffer great persecution by the authorities, and many church leaders have been rounded up, imprisoned and even tortured and executed for their faith. A strong stomach is needed to read Brother Yun's book 'Heavenly Man' where he tells of his experiences as one of these house church leaders.

As well as house churches thre are also a great number of Christians who worship and study scripture alone at home for fear of persecution.

Although actual numbers of Christians is difficult to obtain accurately because of a degree of secrecy surrounding church membership, recent surveys have suggested that there are at least 100 million Christians in China and that figure is growing exponentially. Some have extrapolated figures which suggest that if present growth is allowed to continue unabated, China could be a majority Christian country within 20 years.

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13y ago

Cuz its the best

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