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* A man may attract multiple wives if he has the financial means to support them and their children. It makes good sense to have a husband and father that can support you and your children, far better than having one who cannot, or even worse one you have to support.

* A man may attract multiple wives if he has some significantly favorable trait. This is the same reason why most animals are polygamous. The most genetically fit specimen gets to pass on its DNA. During slavery times it was the most desirable slave (male) that impregnated the majority of female slaves. * There maybe a shortage of males. This is particularly true following major wars when the number of young men is suddenly very low.

* A man may be able to attract multiple wives simply by being nicer. This is similar to certain birds succeeding in multiple matings because their plumage is better. * Certain men in positions of great power find themselves becoming a dumping ground for unwanted females. King Solomon had 800 wives surely not because he wanted that many but because other people wanted him to be their son-in-law. The short answer would be because it makes good financial and genetic sense. If it didn't then the practice would quickly be forgotten.

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13y ago

Terrific idea........... Just think about it.

When 3 guys are SHARING one F then they SPLIT the cost :-)

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Q: Why in some cultures do they have multiple wives?
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(in the US) No. It is known as BIGAMY and is unlawful.