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The Church doesn't have any problem with co-education and most Catholic schools in the US, at least those that are run by a parish or diocese, are co-ed. The schools that are not tend to either 1: go back to a time when most private schools were single gendered, simply because it was considered more proper to educate kids that way or 2: subscribe to newer research that shows that in may instances, boys and girls learn better when they are in separate schools or at least classrooms. But there is no official teaching against co-ed schools.

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12y ago
Roman Catholic AnswerThe Catholic Church does not oppose co-education. Many schools, for many years, only taught in single sex classrooms, and some of those schools were Catholic. The last research I read on the subject was non-religious educators were supporting the single sex model as the students learned better. Sadly, most of our single sex colleges have now gone co-ed. But the Church, as such, as no official stand on this one way or the other.
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