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beacuse..............they represent something important. It is like donating a tree in memorial of someone except people put a day aside for something or someone like the presidents (president's day), the birth of Jesus Christ (Christmas), or people fighting for our freedom (veteran's day).

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14y ago

Genesis 2:3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

Exodus 20:8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

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For it brings cheer and joy among the masses to bring them out of daily life negativity.

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It is not important to celebrate Christmas if you are a non-believer. But if you are a Christian, then it is important that you show faith in your religion and celebrate the special day.

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because they are celebrating something

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Q: Why festivals are important?
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Why do you Festival are important event in the working year?

Festivals are important event, it will tells the culture and traditions. Festivals tells how important that day, on that what we can do tells, so important event in working year.

Why do you think Festival are important event in the working year?

Festivals are important event, it will tells the culture and traditions. Festivals tells how important that day, on that what we can do tells, so important event in working year.

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Why was the festivals in greek important?

They were dedicated to their gods

Why did Greeks have festivals and rituals for their gods?

Because there Todd's were important

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doh ask me dat

Why is it important to celebrate festivals?

To represent and be active with your culture or religion.

Are festivals important to Sikhs?

A very good friend of mine is Sikh and she makes me amritsari parathe. She celebrates all festivals with love

Are there any important British festivals in May?

Not any really significant festivals. The first and last Monday in May is always a Bank Holiday.

How does it benefit people to celebrate festivals?

Festivals give a break from the monotony of life. They are important to preserve culture and gives your family something fun to do.