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On the contrary, members of the Baha'i Faith DO believe in God. The Baha'i Faith is the newest (1863) of the world's monotheistic religions, believing in one universal Creator. The Creator has been known by many names and each language has its own word for God: Gott, Dios, Allah, etc.

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Q: Why dont the baha'i faith believe in god?
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When was the bahai faith started?

The Bahai Faith started in Iran when the Bab inaugurated a new era in the history of the human race. The Bahais belief that the 'Promised One' of all ages and peoples, Bahaullah revealed himself in 1863. He dispatched one of the distinguished Bahai teachers, Jamal Effendi to India to spread the teachings of the Bahai faith in the years 1874-75. The Bahais believe Bahaullah as the Universal Manifestation of God whose advent has been prophesied in all the Holy Scriptures. It is estimated that there are at present nearly 2.3 million Bahais in India.

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Bahá'ís believe in an afterlife in which the soul is separated from the body. At death, according to the Bahá'í faith, the soul begins a spiritual journey towards God through many planes of existence.

Do the bahai believe that Jesus is nthe son of GOD?

The Baha'i believe that the Lord Jesus Is a Manifestation Of God. They believe the same regarding Muhammad & their own prophet Bahu-llah.

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Faith. Faith is a gift from God, and a choice is made to embrace that faith. Christians choose, by faith, to believe that God can do anything.

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John Hatcher has written: 'The face of God among us' -- subject(s): Doctrines, Revelation, Bahai Faith, Knowableness, God

Where did bahai com from?

The Baha'i Faith originated in 19th Century Persia, present day Iran. The prophet, Baha'u'llah (ie., "Glory of God"), was born in Tehran. He was exiled first to Baghdad, later to Turkey, and finally imprisoned in Akka, in the Ottoman province of Palestine. So the world centre of the Bahai Faith is in what is now Israel. There are shrines and gardens there, and the Bahai international administrative institutions.

What are you called if you believe god is an observer?

we are called as the son and daughter of God,we dont need any religion just love god with all your heart,soul and mind and have faith in him.

Is Bahai a religion or philosophy?

Bahá'ís consider the Bahá'í Faith to be a religion. They believe that the Bahá'í laws and teachings were revealed by God to the founders (the Báb, and Bahá'u'lláh).ANSWER 2:The Baha'i Faith is a recognized world religion, having consultative status at the United Nations. It is headquartered on Mount Carmel in Haifa, Israel.

How can you believe in God again?

have faith.

Who was he and where did he come from Bahai?

Assuming you are asking about the founder of the Baha'i Faith, his name was Baha'u'llah (tr. "glory o f God") and he came from Persia (Iran).

What is the name of a bahai vicar?

There is no clergy in the Baha'i Faith. Baha'is believe, according to the Faith's Scriptures, that mankind has gone through many spiritual stages since its genesis, and is now sufficiently spiritually mature that clergy is no longer required to lead a "flock" like sheep. Every Baha'i is held personally responsible by God for studying the Scriptures and obeying God's laws.

What do you call a bahai minister?

There is no clergy in the Baha'i Faith. Baha'is believe, according to the Faith's Scriptures, that mankind has gone through many spiritual stages since its genesis, and is now sufficiently spiritually mature that clergy is no longer required to lead a "flock" like sheep. Every Baha'i is held personally responsible by God for studying the Scriptures and obeying God's laws.