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They belive that it is wrong

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Q: Why dont some countries allow religion?
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Why do some countries have only one religion?

Some countries only allow one religion!!

Why are Muslims pedophiles?

Muslims dont consider themselves pedophiles. Their religion allows them to marry younger girls. But the laws in some countries would never allow this.

what is the government religion in Vietnam?

They are a communist government still, and some countries with communism allow religion and some communist governments don't. The Vietnamese government has persecuted some religious people in their country.

Are there countries that only allow one religion?

Yes, there are countries that officially recognize only one religion and restrict the practice of others. These countries may have a state religion, leading to limitations on the freedom to practice different faiths. Some examples include Saudi Arabia, where Islam is the official religion, and Vatican City, where Catholicism is the state religion.

What countries do not allow political cartoons?

Some nondemocratic countries do not allow political cartoons.

Can women be priests?

It depends on which religion you are referring to. Some allow it, some do not.

What religion is hawthorne heights?

Some are christian and some are i dont know about

Is right to practice religion a legal right?

In some countries, such as the United States, the citizens have freedom of religion. They can practice any religion of their choosing or choose to not practice any religion at all. In other countries religious worship is mandated and restricted to a single religion. In some countries religious persecution involves killing people of minority religions.

What religion is dulcecandy87?

I believe she is of christian decsent, but we dont know if she is catholic. She is though some religion of christianity.

Are there laws and ordinances made for the legality of prostitution?

Some countries allow prostitution and have laws to control it. Some countries allow it but do not regulate it. Others countries have legislation making it illegal though even in such countries it would be impossible to stop it completely.

What countries contains Buddhism?

The majority of countries in the world contain some Buddhists. The only exceptions are some of the Muslim countries without any freedom of religion at all, such as Afghanistan. Even some countries with extremely limited freedom of religion, such as Saudi Arabia, do have some Buddhist foreigners. They are not allowed to publicly practice Buddhism, but they do privately.

How many country allow polygamy?

48 countries allow polygamy. Two additional countries allow it in only some areas of the country. While others will recognize it in foreign marriages.