

Best Answer

1) Just like there are pro-Israel lobbyists and publicists, so too there is also a vast machinery of anti-Israel ranting and rhetoric. Many anti-Israel media twist the facts in their reporting, which is part of the reason why the U.N. and E.U. are biased against Israel. For example, when a terrorist is shot while hurling a firebomb at Israelis, biased sources will report the shooting only. When this kind of reporting happens often enough, some people get the notion that Israel is pure evil.

2) One facet of the desire to wipe out Israel, is plain anti-Semitism. 3) Harm that has been done to the Palestinians, is used as a reason for hatred of Israel, even though some of the harm is caused by people who are not Israelis. For example, some Middle Eastern countries are vastly wealthy, but studiously refrain from giving enough assistance to the Palestinians to improve their livelihood. Another example is Iran's support of terrorism, which creates a cycle in which Israel is forced to defend itself, and the defensive measures are used as an excuse for still more attacks. 4) Anything in Israel's favor is not reported by by biased media. People are unaware that tens of thousands of Palestinians are employed by Israelis. Israel supplies Gaza with electricity and built a hospital there. It purchases thousands of tons of Palestinian agricultural and other products, thus infusing them with much-needed currency. There are tens of other examples. Israel's enemies could lay down their weapons, and ask us directly: "Why hasn't Israel returned to its pre-1967 borders"? Then we could carry on a serious debate. And that issue is not one-sided.
  1. When Israel's neighbors have pursued a policy of discussion and debate, solutions have been implemented, not only argued over. Israel pulled out of Sinai and gained a peace treaty with Egypt. A very cold peace, but a strategic and useful one.
  2. Israel made border-adjustments and water concessions to Jordan, and gained another cold but useful peace.
  3. The same process brought a treaty in May 17, 1983 with Lebanon but it was blocked by Syria.
  4. The same process was almost completed by Rabin and Arafat in 2000. They were at the treaty-signing table, having hammered out all the details. Then Yasser Arafat pulled out of the ceremony, and initiated the Second Intifada, loading the "Karin A" ship with tons of weapons for terror-use.
Further comments: Israel is portrayed as an evil country by some of the media, by many U.N. and E.U. statements, and by much of the Arab and Muslim world.

This despite the fact that Israel has better human-rights than any other country in the region.

Israel has been boycotted for decades, and its citizens have suffered from the conflict, yet it continues to be optimistic and it enjoys God's protection.

The presence of the Jews in Israel is questioned by some, despite the Jews' history in and from Israel, and despite God's clear words bestowing Israel to them. Words which are recognized by Islam as well.

Those who condemn and hate Israel for its side in the conflict, fail to apportion blame to Israel's enemies, no matter how heinous their actions.

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12y ago

Hostile point of view:

  • Drove them away from their homeland, stole most of their territories, and expelled them to neighboring countries.
  • Takes their water, and Natural Resources.
  • Israel has an apartheid regime, which discriminates against non Jews ( like the old anti-black apartheid in South Africa ).
  • Refuses to return the lands, even though the land legally belong to the Palestinians.
  • Holds on to Jerusalem as its capital, even though the UN doesn't agree.
  • Has denied Palestinians in neighboring countries, the right of return.
  • It stops aid from entering Gaza.
  • Keeps creating illegal settlements, on Palestinian lands
  • Keeps murdering Palestinians.

Corrections from a less hostile point of view:

  • The killing goes both ways. Terrorists attack Israel, and then the Israeli army responds with excessive force. equal blame!
  • Israel did not drive Palestinians from their homeland. The land where Jews were already living became Israel, and the land where Arabs were living was supposed to be Palestine, but the Palestinians refused a two-state solution in 1948.
  • Thousands of pounds of Aid go to Gaza every week from Israel
  • All water in the Palestinian territories is provided by Israel. Nothing was taken
  • Illegal settlements ARE a problem, but the Palestinians refuse to negotiate. In 2011, Netanyahu pleaded with the Palestinian Authority and they refused.
  • No new settlements have been created in a long time. I wonder why the previous person said that Israel "Keeps creating" settlements.
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12y ago

i am thinking that Muslims hate Israel for taking their land.

As a Muslim I respect all religions but as an Arab I disrespect Israel for the reason given above.

Real Answer:

The real answer is that not all Muslims hate Israel. Many (like the answer above) believe the land was taken, but it was actually legally purchased from the British government in the early part of the 20th Century. Jews were already living in the areas that were purchased.

Most Muslim countries do not teach this information in their schools, so Muslims grow up thinking Israel conquered the land.

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11y ago

Answer 1

Muslims are angered primarily, as concerns Israel, with the issues in Palestine where Jews forcibly resettled and eliminated hundreds of Palestinian cities. This grave violation of the Rights of the Palestinians greatly incenses Muslims. Muslims are also angry that Israel appears to be expanding its territory with its conquest of the Sinai Peninsula on two separate occasions, its annexation of the Golan Heights and East Jerusalem (in contravention of the Arab understanding of UN Resolution 242) and continued settlement of the West Bank.

Answer 2

This is a complicated question because the answer is complex and can become inflammatory quite easily. The following are answers given by various WikiAnswers users speculating why people hate Israel. These views are not necessarily endorsed by the people who gave them, and are certainly not endorsed by the WikiAnswers site. These answers are sorted by category.

1) International Legal Violations: Israel has engaged in a number of policies in violation of international law, such as the unification of Jerusalem, the settlements in the West Bank, the annexation of the Golan Heights, etc.. Israel is not reticent for performing such acts and claims that it violates those laws because they are prejudicial to its rights and interests. If other countries did the same, (Iran is a great example), they are sternly reprimanded by the international community and forced to toe the line.

2) Palestinian Indigenous Rights: The indigenous Palestinians and their descendants are aggrieved that people from abroad would come to the land that their parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents had lived on and worked for as long as they could remember and buy that land from the Ottomans without consulting them. Moreover, these people had a particular agenda to establish a state on the land they called their own. Understandably, the Palestinians, and those who support them, are opposed to the Zionist project for these emotional and political considerations. Additionally, the Israeli Military Occupation of the West Bank Territories and the Blockade of Gaza represents a true legal and humanitarian crisis for Supporters of an Independent Palestine and the Palestinian People. To many Arabs, the Palestinians must have the right to go back to their homes (although it is doubtful that they would have permitted that right to the Jews should the Arabs have been victorious in the Arab-Israeli War of 1948-9).

3) Anti-Semitism: This should be self-evident. The Logic goes thus: Anti-Semites oppose any Jewish aspiration to freedom and/or power. Zionism promotes Self-Determination for the Jewish people which is an aspiration to freedom and power. Therefore, Anti-Semites oppose Zionism. Additionally, many people who are Anti-Semitic see Jews as running some sort of international cabal to strip power from everyone else. Equipped with a country, who knows what further havoc Jews could cause. The Arab World is prone to these types of conspiracy theories, making the Protocols of Zion and Mein Kampf bestsellers in the Arab World. There are many respectable Arabs who take these works seriously as historical discussions of Jews.

4) Jewish Reversal of Dhimmi System: The Arab class system during the Islamic Empires had always been very clear. Muslims were of a superior class to the non-Muslims (usually Jews and Christians) called Dhimmi (which means protected ones). This is coupled with the Islamic assertion that once a land comes under Muslim domination that the land should not convert to non-Muslim power. A small minority of Muslim Revanchists make claims at controlling Spain, which was only ruled in parts by Muslims for 700 years over 500 years ago. Israel sits on lands that were under Islamic domination for nearly 1300 years (with a less than a century under the Crusader States). Therefore, many Muslim Arabs rejected the Jewish state purely because it was Jewish. Had it been just another Muslim group, a separate state would have been accepted without controversy, like has been the case for the 22 other Muslim Arab states. But it was intolerable to allow the Dhimmis to set up a state, especially one in which Dhimmis would rule over some Muslims.

Some information on the discrimination against the Dhimmi: The Dhimmi was required to pay a number of taxes that were connected with his dhimmi status. The most famous was the jizya, which was a tax that Dhimmi had to pay for Muslims for the right to not be killed where they stood for not acknowledging Mohammed's Prophecy; it was a form of humiliation. Additional taxes included the kharaj, which was a tax on non-Muslim land-holdings in the Muslim World. The kharaj was so untenable that most Dhimmi were forced to live in the cities where the tax would not be applicable. On paper, a Christian or Jew could testify against a Muslim, but in reality, such testimony was not acceptable and the attempt to "defame" a Muslim would receive retribution. Christians and Jews were not allowed to build new houses of worship, restore old houses of worship, proselytize in any way (this included religious debate or dialogue), or allow wine or pigs to be shown in public.

5) Arab Nationalism: Arab Nationalism as a movement crystallized in the 1930s and came to the political fore in the 1960s. Arab Nationalism is a movement that seeks to create an Arab State or multiple Arab States based on common cultural and historical markers. This movement began to make a tether between Arab cultural identity and Islamic religious identity. This was especially keen in places with large non-Muslim communities because those communities typically worked closely with the European colonizers seen to be repressing the Arab identity. Zionism, which is a movement based on a European cultural identity and a Jewish religious identity was antithetical to the Arab Nationalist movement ideologically and claims territory that Arab Nationalists also claim putting them at odds politically.

6) Islamism: Islamism, the political philosophy that Shari'a or Islamic Religious Law should be the grounds upon which a state is ruled, strenuously opposes any Western-style of government because it does not uphold Islamic moral standards (for example: gays and haram meats are permitted). Israel, as a secular, Westernized State is opposed for this reason. Israel, specifically, is also hated by Islamists for two reasons unique to Israel. The first is that the Jews are the ones in power. In the Islamist conception, only Muslims should be in power in the State and any non-Muslim minorities should have a secondary role if they should have one at all. Second, Israel is situated in territory which used to be governed by Muslims for nearly 1300 years (with a century-long break under the Crusader States). As a result, Israel is considered a usurpation of historical Islamic authority whereas European countries (for example) never had Islamic authority before.

It is worth noting that not all Muslims are opposed to the State of Israel and there are several Islamic arguments in favor of the State of Israel, such as those advocated by Sheikh Hadi Palazzi, Irshad Manji, and Tawfik Hamid. None of these individuals, though, is an Islamist. Of the Muslims who oppose the State of Israel, not all of them are Islamist either, many are Arab Nationalists or have no general political affiliation and oppose the State of Israel for one of the many other reasons listed here. Finally, Islam/Muslim/Islamic is the religion and Islamism/Islamist is the political philosophy; the two are different.

7) Anti-Colonialism: While Arab Nationalism was an anti-colonial movement, the general principles of the anti-colonialism led to a rejection of States based on European values in non-European locations with a large number of non-European (ethnically speaking) inhabitants. This sentiment was felt most strongly towards (South) Rhodesia, South Africa, and what would become Israel. Anti-colonialists believe that Asians and Africans had the right to Self-Determination pursuant to their cultures. However, Rhodesian and South African institutions could and did eventually convert to being African nations (in the true sense of the term) because their racist infrastructure could be reformed. Zionism is by default a government by the Jews and would cease to be Zionist if the Jews were taken out of the leadership position. Thus Zionism catches the ire of anti-colonialists.

9) Political Antagonism: If State A has a lot of wars with State B, State A and B will develop a mutual animosity towards each other and their raisons d'être. There are a number of politically independent or partially independent Peoples and States that came into conflict with the Halutzim (Jewish Pioneers in the British Mandate of Palestine), the Haganah et al. (Jewish Militias), and Tzahal (the Israeli Army). This has only increased with the numerous Arab-Israeli Wars, the Intifadas, the Occupation of the West Bank and the Blockade of Gaza, and Israel's acquisition of nuclear weaponry.

10) Anti-Nationalism: In today's world, as things like globalization, cultural diffusion, and mixed ethnicities in major districts become more prominent, the Zionist model of a Nation-State dedicated to one race or religion seems anachronistic. Germany, founded on the same model, now has the issue of integrating Turks (and their children) into the German state, but since Germans always lived in Germany and constituted a majority there, as opposed to being a reorganized Diaspora, nobody suggests that Germans should "return" to a more cosmopolitan type of existence. This is, however, oftentimes suggested by Anti-Nationalists and Post-Nationalists concerning the Jews and their State.

11) Non-Jewish Holy Sites: Since the Holy Land does not only have Jewish Holy Sites, but also has Christian and Muslim Holy Sites, there is opposition in these communities to Jews having a physical monopoly and control of these holy sites. Therefore, these communities opposed the idea of a Jewish Nation State that could do exactly that.

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8y ago

The following are answers given by various WikiAnswers users speculating why people hate Israel.
1) Fear of Antagonizing Others: Some people are afraid of supporting or legitimating Israel because they fear a terrorist reprisal. While Israelis, and Jews in general, do not respond by bombing public places or threatening mass death when others trample on their ideals, there are other groups who are more inclined to making such attacks.
2) International Legal Violations: Israel has engaged in a number of policies in violation of international law, such as the unification of Jerusalem, the settlements in the West Bank, the annexation of the Golan Heights, etc.. Israel is not reticent for performing such acts and claims that it violates those laws because they threaten its existence.
3) Anti-Semitism: This should be self-evident. Anti-Semites oppose any Jewish aspiration to freedom and/or power. Zionism promotes self-determination for the Jewish people which is an aspiration to freedom and power. Therefore, anti-Semites oppose Zionism. The Arab World is prone to conspiracy theories, and the the Protocols of Zion and Mein Kampf are bestsellers in the Arab World. There are many Arabs who take these works seriously as historical discussions of Jews.
4) Palestinian Indigenous Rights: The indigenous Palestinians and their descendants are aggrieved that people from abroad would come to the land that their parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents had lived on and worked for as long as they could remember and legally buy that land from the Ottomans without consulting them. The Palestinians are opposed to the Zionist project for these emotional and political considerations. Additionally, the Israeli military occupation of the West Bank territories and the blockade of Gaza represents a crisis for supporters of an independent Palestine. To many in the world community, the Palestinians must have the right to go back to their homes (although it is doubtful that the Arabs would have permitted that right to the Jews should the Arabs have been victorious in the Arab-Israeli War of 1948-9).
5) Jewish Reversal of Dhimmi System: The Arab class system during the Islamic Empires had always been very clear. Muslims were of a superior class to the non-Muslims (usually Jews and Christians). This is coupled with the Islamic assertion that once a land comes under Muslim domination that the land should not convert to non-Muslim power. Israel sits on lands that were under Islamic domination for nearly 1300 years. Therefore, many Muslim Arabs rejected the Jewish state purely because it is Jewish.
6) Arab Nationalism: Arab nationalism crystallized in the 1930s and came to the political fore in the 1960s. It seeks to create an Arab state or multiple Arab states based on common cultural and historical markers. Zionism, which is a movement based on a European cultural identity and a Jewish religious identity was antithetical to the Arab nationalist movement ideologically and politically.
7) Islamism: Islamism, the political philosophy that Islamic religious laws should be the grounds upon which a state is ruled, strenuously opposes any Western-style of government because it does not uphold Islamic standards. Israel, as a secular, Westernized state is opposed for this reason. Islamists also hold that only Muslims should be in power in the State and any non-Muslim minorities should have a secondary role if they should have one at all.
It is worth noting that not all Muslims are opposed to the State of Israel and there are several Islamic arguments in favor of the State of Israel, such as those advocated by Sheikh Hadi Palazzi, Irshad Manji, and Tawfik Hamid. None of these individuals, though, is an Islamist.
8) Anti-Colonialism: While Arab nationalism was an anti-colonial movement, the general principles of the anti-colonialism led to a rejection of States based on European values in non-European locations with a large number of non-European (ethnically speaking) inhabitants. Zionism is by default a government by the Jews and would cease to be Zionist if the Jews were taken out of the leadership position. Thus Zionism catches the ire of anti-colonialists.
9) Political Antagonism: If State A has a lot of wars with State B, State A and B will develop a mutual animosity towards each other and their raisons d'être. There are a number of politically independent or partially independent Peoples and States that came into conflict with the Halutzim (Jewish pioneers in the British Mandate of Palestine), the Haganah et al. (Jewish Militias), and Tzahal (the Israeli Army). This has only increased with the numerous Arab-Israeli Wars, the Intifadas, the occupation of the West Bank and the blockade of Gaza, and Israel's acquisition of nuclear weaponry.
10) Anti-Nationalism:
In today's world, as things like globalization, cultural diffusion, and mixed ethnicities in major districts become more prominent, the Zionist model of a Nation-State dedicated to one race or religion seems anachronistic. Germany, founded on the same model, now has the issue of integrating Turks (and their children) into the German state, but since Germans always lived in Germany and constituted a majority there, as opposed to being a reorganized diaspora, nobody suggests that Germans should "return" to a more cosmopolitan type of existence. This is, however, oftentimes suggested by Anti-Nationalists and Post-Nationalists concerning the Jews and their State.
11) Non-Jewish Holy Sites: Since the Holy Land does not only have Jewish holy sites, but also has Christian and Muslim holy sites, there is opposition in these communities to Jews having any control of these holy sites.
12) Jewish Blasphemy: There was a prevailing belief among the Orthodox Jews that the Galut (the Exile from the Holy Land) was a divine act of punishment because Jews had violated the commandments that God had given them. When God believed that the Jewish people had repented and were ready for the Messiah, this Messiah would come and bring the Jews back to the Holy Land. Until that time, Jews were to remain in exile. Many of the Orthodox later came to support Israel's existence, but not on the grounds of it being a Jewish (religious) State. They support it because it has a large percentage of Jews. However, there are some factions among the ultra-Orthodox who see a return to the Holy Land as being an act of blasphemy because Jews should wait for God to begin the process. The Torah states:
"And it will come to pass when all these things have come upon you, the blessing and the curse which I have placed before you, ....and you shall repent to the Lord your God.... And the Lord your God will restore your exiles and have mercy on you, and He will come back and gather you from all the nations." (Deuteronomy 30:1-3).
13) Zionism Predicated on Land-Taking: Israel is a state that was established based on taking the land, and the spirits of another state (Palestine). Even now while replying on Wiki, Israel is establishing new settlements based on the destruction of Palestinian homes in the West Bank. The two blue lines at the top and at the bottom of the Israeli flag symbolize the Nile and the Euphrates because Israelis believe that "GOD" gave them the right to occupy the land between the two rivers and call it Israel.
14) Prophecies:
Because they are God's elect, people are envious and hate them.
15) Jews Lost the Mantle of Chosenness: The Jews say that they are God's elect, but some disagree. They no longer God's chosen for they put Jesus on the cross. Also, even in Islam, God assumed to hold Jesus and Muhammad in high esteem, which would imply, to the contrary that he would not select Jews for any such regard.

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8y ago

1) Just like there are pro-Israel lobbyists and publicists, so too there is also a vast machinery of anti-Israel ranting and rhetoric. Many anti-Israel media twist the facts in their reporting, which is part of the reason why the U.N. and E.U. are biased against Israel. For example, when a terrorist is shot while hurling a firebomb at Israelis, biased sources will report the shooting only. When this kind of reporting happens often enough, some people get the notion that Israel is pure evil.

Israel is portrayed as an evil country by some of the media, by many U.N. and E.U. statements, and by much of the Arab and Muslim world.This despite the fact that Israel has better human-rights* than any other country in the region.

Israel has been boycotted for decades*, and its citizens have suffered from the conflict*, yet it continues to be optimistic and it enjoys God's protection*.

The presence of the Jews in Israel is questioned by some, despite the Jews' history* in and from Israel, and despite God's clear words* bestowing Israel to them. Words which are recognized by Islam as well*.

Those who condemn and hate Israel for its side in the conflict*, fail to apportion blame to Israel's enemies*, no matter how heinous their actions.

***See the Related Links.

Link: More about Israel

Link: Israeli human rights

Link: Israel boycotted

Link: Israelis suffer

Link: God's protection

Link: History in Israel

Link: God's words

Link: Islam recognizes

Link: Why hate Israel

Link: Israel blamed

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8y ago

There are people who like Israel and what it stands for, just as there are people who hate Israel and what it stands for, as well as those who try to take the middle ground. Especially, irate Palestinians, and those who empathise with them, may claim reason to hate Israel, whether or not they actually do so in all cases.

It is difficult for those who seek to be neutral, when spokespeople for Israel often take hard-line and antagonistic attitudes, just as many Arab spokesmen often take the hard line.

Some Middle Eastern countries are willing to provide some humanitarian aid to the Palestinians. However, Israel restricts material aid getting through because the materials have often been used to attack her, causing further, unnecessary antagonism. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made it clear that Israel will never return to its 1967 borders, so talk of this is merely intended to divert attention from the ongoing occupation of Palestinian territory.

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10y ago

Israelis do not hate Jews. Most Israelis are Jewish.

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Q: Why does the Islamic World hate Israel?
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Is Israel an Islamic country?

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What did Israel do to make the world hate it?

Some hatred against Israel comes from legitimately being angered by Israel's refusal to allow Palestinians who fled from returning to their homes within Israel. Hatred also stems from Anti-Semitism which is quite common in the Islamic World. There is a significant part of the global community that would not be satisfied by any concession that Israel could make other than complete and total surrender and occupation. They hate its very existence. Various reasons for Anti-Zionism can be found at the Related Question below.

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Al-Qaeda claims that all Jews are part of Zionist Conspiracy to rule the world and kill all Muslims, which is both absurd and reeks of Anti-Semitism. As Israel is a political manifestation by Jews, they naturally loathe it. It adds insult to injury that Israel is located on territory that they deem to be "Islamic Land" since it has previously been under the control of Islamic Empires.

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Israel hates terrorists.

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There are over 50 Islamic countries, so Palestine is certainly not the only Islamic country, but if you are considering Israel and Palestine, yes, Palestine is the Islamic country while Israel is the Jewish country.

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