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All prayers end with "Amen", so the Bishop says "Amen" whenever it is called for in the Ritual.

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The Bishop says "Amen" during Confirmation to affirm and seal the sacrament. By saying "Amen," the Bishop expresses his agreement with the prayers and blessings being offered and indicates that the sacrament has been completed according to the Church's teachings and rituals. It is a way for the Bishop to give his approval and blessing to the newly confirmed individuals.

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Q: Why does the Bishop say Amen during Confirmation?
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What does the bishop say at confirmation when he blesses a person with holy oil?

Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Then the one being confirmed says: "Amen." Then the bishop will say: "Peace be with you." And the confirmande will say: "and with your spirit" while shaking the bishop's hand.

What will you do in confirmation?

The bishop will say "Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit" and you say "Amen". Then he says "Peace be with you" and you say "And also with you"

What does the priest say when the candidate receives the holy spirit in confirmation?

The priest will say "be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit" and the candidates will reply "Amen" :)

What are the different things that the bishop will do during the Rite of Confirmation?

He will ask the young people to say their Baptismal vows(which all come from the Apostles' & the Nicene Creeds), & then he will touch the young person's foreheads & say, "Receive the Seal of the Holy Spirit."

What are lyrics to 'Let the Church Say Amen'?

VOCALS Let the church say Amen,Let the church say Amen God has spoken, so let the church say Amen Let the church, let 'em say Amen If you believe the word, let the whole church say Amen God has spoken, so let the church say Amen Lift your hands, lift your hands God has spoken, so let the church say amen, Oh, thank you lord God has spoken, so let the church say Amennnnnnnnnnnnnnn (Marvin Winans style (smile) CHOIR ENTER LET THE CHURCH SAY AMEN LET THE CHURCH SAY AMEN GOD HAS SPOKEN SAY AMEN So let the church LET THE CHURCH SAY say Amen VOCALS AND CHOIR Can I get a witness…LET THE CHURCH SAY AMEN To what his plans are…LET THE CHURCH SAY AMEN To what his words say…LET THE CHURCH SAY AMEN God has spoken…GOD HAS SPOKEN god has spoken Let the church LET THE CHURCH SAY AMEN Make this your response… AMEN To whatever he says …AMEN From the healing of your body…AMEN To the raising of the dead…AMEN No matter how you feeling…AMEN Or how your world is reeling…AMEN Battle on through the night…AMEN Cause you're going to win the fight…AMEN Even in the valley…AMEN Or standing at your red sea…AMEN Continue to say…AMEN Cause your help is on the way.. AMEN My God has spoken I heard him..LET THE CHURCH..So let the church say…SAY AMEN Lift your hands where ever you are, and let the church LET THE CHURCH Amen SAY AMEN Amen, say, LET THE CHURCH..Let the church say SAY AMEN, God has spoken GOD HAS SPOKEN Hallelujah, LET THE CHURCH..Let the church say.. SAY AMEN All we needed was a word from the lord We've god it so…LET THE CHURCH..let the church..SAY AMEN. Oh, LET THE CHURCH Let the Whole church SAY AMEN God has spoken…GOD HAS SPOKEN…Well, Well,Well, Let the church… let the church LET THE CURCH..say Amen SAY AMEN I need you to say it…AMEN When your dream is about to die…AMEN Knowing that god is not a man…AMEN He just can't lie…AMEN In spite spite of what…AMEN…the devil does…AMEN Know you've got a word…AMEN That is come from above…AMEN Faith must be…AMEN…must be what you say…AMEN So open your mouth…AMEN..and say Amen today…AMEN Cause GOD HAS SPOKEN I heard him when he said it..LET THE CHURCH let the church..SAY AMEN You and You and you say…AMEN From the deacons…AMEN…to the mothers…AMEN… All of the sisters…AMEN…all of the brothers say…AMEN GOD HAS SPOKEN…Oh my my LET THE let the church SAY AMEN God has spoken let the church say amen. If God said it HE'LL CHANGE IT REARRANGE IT GOD SAID IT, BELIEVE IT That Settles it! GOD HAS SPOKEN…Ooh-ooh ooh-ooh ooh LET THE CHURCH let the church SAY AMEN GOD HAS SPOEKN____LET THE CHURCH (pause) SAY AMEN Repeat

How do you say amen in Latin?


When was Say Amen created?

Say Amen was created in 2005.

What are the steps on how to celebrate a Catholic confirmation?

Stand up before the Bishop. Repeat your Baptismal vows. Let the Bishop touch your forehead & say the words "Receive the Seal of the Holy Spirit."

Does the bishop do the confirmation?

In the Catholic Church, this is the second sacrament. The Sacrament of Confirmation allows you to consciously make the same promises your parents made for you when you were baptized. (Notice that the administration of the sacraments for adults still hold the same meaning since one only reaches spiritual adulthood with the Sacrament of Confirmation.) The ritual itself will go something like this: Your hair should be brushed back from your forehead. When the time comes, you should be kneeling in front of the Bishop. Your Sponsor will be standing behind you with his or her hand on your right shoulder. The Bishop will anoint you making the sign of the Cross on your forehead with Holy Chrism. While the Bishop is anointing your forehead he says: "I sign thee with the sign of the cross, and I con-firm thee with the chrism of salvation, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Then, the Bishop will give you a little slap on the cheek and say: "Peace be with you". This little slap on the cheek is to remind you that you should be ready to suffer for your Faith. A Priest will wipe your forehead.

What is the duration of Say Amen?

The duration of Say Amen is 1.08 hours.

Do Christians say Amen?

Yes the do. Amen.

If you Love Jesus say Amen?
