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God set a mark on Cain because God had mercy on Cain. After pronouncing Cain's punishment, and hearing Cain's reply - "My punishment is more than I can bear.", God put a mark on Cain -

Genesis 4.15. And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.

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Q: Why does god mark Cain?
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What did god do to protect Cain even though he was sinned?

God put a mark on Cain but the Bible does not say where or what type of mark God put on him.

What is the mark of cane in the bible?

The "mark of Cain" in the Bible refers to a sign from God that was put on Cain to protect him from being killed. According to the Book of Genesis, after Cain killed his brother Abel, God placed a mark on him to warn others not to harm him. The exact nature of this mark is not specified in the Bible.

The mark of cane?

The mark of Cain was first introduced in the book of Genesis in the bible. God cursed Cain and put a mark on him after he murdered his brother Abel.

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The mark of Cain is mentioned in Genesis 4:15 in the Bible. This passage describes how God placed a mark on Cain to protect him from being killed after he murdered his brother Abel. There is no specific chapter in the Bible referred to as the "Book of the Damned" relating to the mark of Cain.

What happened to Cain after he killed able?

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What is the primal eldest curse?

The primal eldest curse, also known as the Mark of Cain, was placed on Cain by God in the Bible for murdering his brother Abel. It was a punishment that made Cain a wanderer and put a mark on him to protect him from being killed. It is one of the oldest curses mentioned in the Bible.

What was the mark put on Cain by god?

Nobody knows if it was a physical mark or maybe a mental mark? I would think it was a warning that God put in a potential killer's head not to touch Cain.Jewish AnswerThe mark on his forehead was the letter 'vav' which is HaShem's mark. Depending on what is used to make the mark, it's either HaShem's protection or condemnation.Side fact:The Christian "mark of the beast" comes from a misunderstanding of the discussion of HaShem's mark in the Tanach (Jewish Bible). The letter 'vav' has the numerical value of 6 and that's where the Christians created the concept of '666'.

Who slew Cain?

No one killed Cain, but Cain killed Abel. God put a mark on Abel's head so that no one would kill him. Genesis 4:15 But the LORD said to him, "Not so ; anyone who kills Cain will suffer vengeance seven times over." Then the LORD put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him. Cain probably just died of old age.

Why did God put a mark on Cain's forehead?

To be a sign for later people not to kill him. By the way, "forehead" isn't in the text.

How did God protect Cain from his enemies?

Qayin (Cain) did not have enemies at the time. He was worried about being attacked at some time in the future. God gave (literally, "placed") a sign for Cain, the nature of which is not specified. Rashi commentary (Genesis ch.4) says that the sign was a mark on his forehead (in the shape of a letter).

Is there similarity between the mark of Cain and the mark of the Beast?

No both are different as Cain had a mark put by god, while the beast who is a man will put his mark 666.AnswerThe mark on Cain's forehead was the letter 'vav' which is HaShem's mark. Depending on what is used to make the mark, it's either HaShem's protection or condemnation.The Christian "mark of the beast" comes from a misunderstanding of the discussion of HaShem's mark in the Tanach (Jewish Bible). The letter 'vav' has the numerical value of 6 and that's where the Christians created the concept of '666'.

What is the duration of And God Said to Cain?

The duration of And God Said to Cain is 1.82 hours.