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The baby is too young to reason and express his/her desire for baptism. The baby understands nothing about what is happening. The parents and Godparents speak for the child when the priest asks, "What do you desire of the Church?" The child will have the opportunity to 'confirm' that desire at a later time when he/she undergoes Confirmation.

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Q: Why does a mother present the child for baptism?
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Who holds the child during Baptism?

First the mother carries it then the baby is handed to the pastor for the babtism.

Is jewelry a good present from a child to a mother?

Any gift from a child to a mother is a good gift! So yes jewelry is great.

When there is a baptism during the mass and a deacon is assisting at mass who is to baptize the child the priest or the deacon?

The Priest. In some Extreme cases like in near death or accident where the child will not survive, and there's no priest present, even a layman can do Baptism. Both the priest and deacon are ordinary ministers of the sacrament of baptism and from a liturgical standpoint either of them may perform the baptism during the mass. and they have too do a marrage and suff luuvvvllyy

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You have the right to file for a change of custody with the court. You will have to present convincing evidence that the child's mother is unfit to retain custody of the child. Frankly: It is a stiff burden of proof to overcome to convince the court to remove a child from its mother's custody.

Can a father baptize their child without the biological mother present but with the step mother present if they were never legally married?

Never without the real mother present.Answer:Anyone can "baptize" anyone with or without their permission or the permission of any relative (some churches baptize everyone not in their faith to their faith) - the question becomes so what:Without the permission of a legal guardian it is a form of bullyingWithout the permission of the baptized party is is similar to entering someone else into contract without their agreementIt has no standing in law - no baptism doesIt does not influence the life of the baptized party

When a christian child is named?

in baptism

At baptism who promises to help raise a child in the catholic faith?

The Godparents promise at Baptism to assist the parents in raising a child in the Catholic faith.

When baptizing a child the priest ask for a name?

Yes. The priest will state the child's name several times during the baptism. After the baptism ceremony the priest will also need the child's name for the blessing.

Should the word Baptism be capitalized?

Only when referring to the religious sacrament or rite: "Sacrament of Holy Baptism". In referring to the event (e.g. "my child's baptism), it is not.

What is a paedobaptism?

A paedobaptism is a baptism of a person as an infant or child.

What is the central act of baptism?

The naming of the child after baptisim.

How can a child that is not given money at all give a mother a happy Mother's Day present?

Something made from available material on hand would do here.