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I think there will be no good people in heaven. The people who are in heaven are the people who are trusting in Jesus Christ as their righteousness, their saviour.The Bible says no person is "good " enough to go to heaven.

God puts people right through their faith in Jesus Christ. God does this to all who believe in Christ, because there is no difference at all: everyone has sinned and is far away from God's saving presence. But by the free gift of God's grace all are put right with him through Christ Jesus, who sets them free. -- Romans 3:22,23,24

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A good person goes to heaven because heaven is what he earned on earth. His earthly life was the very beginning of heaven, as heaven is union with God for all eternity, and a good person becomes good by union with Him.

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Some people do not believe in any afterlife.

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Q: Why does a good person go to heaven?
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If you are a good person then you will go to heaven. If you were a bad person you will go to hell. It all depends on your faith and religion. Also it depend on how you were as a person on earth if you were mean then you will go to hell hopeful you were nice and go to heaven with god and not to hell with the devil.

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If a person was a child, 17yrs or younger, they would go straight to heaven. if a person did not know abot heaven, baptizim, or was physically forced to not be baptized, yes, they would also go to heaven. (if they were VERY good only)

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be a good person in general. do what you think is right

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Adam and Eve were the first people to go to Heaven.

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Good Girls Go to Heaven - Bad Girls Go Everywhere - was created in 1993.

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well in a religious term you'll go to heaven if your good for your religion (and go to the hells of all other religions) and go to hell if your bad. but in my term everyone goes to hell as heaven has to be heaven for everyone, and people just can't get along. However this allows for one person to be in heaven as he/she isn't with anyone else. so see you in hell ;)

Anyone can go to heaven?

According to the Bible, anyone can go to heaven. A person will go to heaven if he or she believes that Jesus died from their sins and that he rose from the dead, and if they pray to him and ask him into their heart.

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It was Moses. When Jesus descended into heaven, Moses went with him...

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There are many theories. One is that if you were a good person you would go to heaven. If you were a sinner you would go to hell. There really is no right or wrong answer though. There isn't a right or a wrong answer.

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People who are or were in jail can go to Heaven. It's all based on what is in the person's heart. If the person asks God for forgiveness, means it, and tries not to do it again God will forgive him/her. It's not a question on God's love that gets you into Heaven, because God even loves murderers, gay people, etc., but that does not automatically give them His approval and ticket into Heaven. So yes, a person who's gone to jail CAN go to Heaven. It's all up to the person's heart and personal relationship with God.

Why did Jesus said Rich Men will not go to heaven?

Jesus just said that it is as hard for a rich man to go to heaven as it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. That means it's difficult but not impossible. If you are a rich man you have to not forget about the poor and you have to be generous and mercyful. If you are a genuine and good person, you will go to heaven nomatter what you finances look like :)