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If you remember when Peter was in his boat after fishing, the Lord said to him "Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men" The sign of the fish then is symbolic of being a fisher of men i.e seeking out those who would be receptive to the gospel message you have for them. Further information: The fish came to be a readily recognisable, but secret, greeting between Christ-followers in a world where they were likely to be persecuted if exposed. The Greek word for fish is ichthus, spelled: Iota Chi Theta Upsilon Sigma. This is an acrostic which has many translations in English, the most popular of which is "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour." Christians meeting each otehr for the first time might idly scratch a fish symbol in the dust. This would have no meaning for someone who was against the christians, but would serve as a "covert handshake" between the Christians. For further information on the history and significance of the fish symbol, see the link below.

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15y ago
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15y ago

The Greek word for the fish ichths was made into a secret acronym by which Christians, when persecuted, could identify each other. It goes like this:

I = Iesous= Jesus

C= Christos= Christ

T= Theos=God



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9y ago

The Christian fish symbol is used by Christians because Christ in choosing His disciples that were fishermen on the shores of the Sea of Galilee called them to follow Him saying he would make them "fishers of men".

Only people knowing this story would know the meaning of the fish symbol so Christians used it when they were being persecuted in Rome as a secret way of signaling to other Christians that they were Christian.

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13y ago

The fish is used as a symbol for Jesus Christ. It represents Jesus' last supper as well as the water used to baptize Christians. In Greek, the word "fish" provides the initials of the title "Jesus Christ Son of God Saviour" and is used as a rebus for Christ's name.

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12y ago
A:The fish symbol was formerly used quite widely as a sacred symbol of the female vulva. The fish Goddess, Aphrodite Salacia, was worshipped by her followers on her sacred day, Friday, when they ate fish and engaging in orgies. Just as the early Christians adopted pagan feast days in order to divert worship away from pagan deities, so they adopted the fish symbol and ate fish on Fridays, but of course did not engage in orgies. The original symbolism has long been forgotten, and the symbol is now associated by most Christians with the concept of 'fishers of men'. A:In Greek, the initials of the words in the phrase, 'Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour' spell Ichthys, which means 'Fish'. It may have been used as a means of identifying other Christians in a time of persecution.
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11y ago
AnswerThe fish symbol was formerly used quite widely as a sacred symbol of the female vulva. The fish Goddess, Aphrodite Salacia, was worshipped by her followers on her sacred day, Friday, when they ate fish and engaging in orgies. Just as the early Christians adopted pagan feast days in order to divert worship away from pagan deities, so they adopted the fish symbol and ate fish on Fridays, but of course did not engage in orgies. The original symbolism has long been forgotten, and the symbol is now associated by most Christians with the concept of 'fishers of men'.

Jesus has asked His followers (Christians) to be fishers of men. So the fish is a symbol of who we are Christians (on a car you are proclaiming yourself to be a Christian)

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8y ago

The accepted view of the Church is that the symbol of the Fish (Ichthys, IΧΘΥΣ, in Greek) is an acrostic (where each letter start another word:

Ichthys compiles to "Jesus Christ God's son Saviour": "Iησοῦς Χριστός, Θεοῦ Υἱός, Σωτήρ", Iēsous Christos, Theou Huios, Sōtēr.

Although the fish symbol is believed to have been a pre-Christian pagan symbol, its deliberate adoption as such is highly unlikely bearing in mind the teachings of Paul on shunning anything to do with paganism (and the Ichthys was widely used as a secret symbol for Christians way back in Paul's day). Most likely it was adopted, along with the cross, anchor, Chi/Rho sign and other symbols by Christians, as the fish was highly evocative of Christ's ministry. Don't forget that Peter was a fisherman, as were at least three other disciples. One of Jesus' miracles was feeding a multitude with just a few fish, he was seen eatiing fish at the lakeside after his resurrection, and, of course, Peter and Andrew wer called to be 'fishers of men'.

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11y ago

Back in the days of the early Church, when the Roman government was killing people for being Christian, the fish symbol was a secret sign to other Christians to let them know where Church meetings were being held.

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8y ago

The stylised fish symbol was formerly used quite widely as a sacred symbol of the female vulva. The fish Goddess, Aphrodite Salacia, was worshipped by her followers on her sacred day, Friday, when they ate fish and engaging in orgies.

Just as the early Christians adopted pagan feast days in order to divert worship away from pagan deities, so they adopted the fish symbol and ate fish on Fridays, but of course did not engage in 'salacious' orgies. The original symbolism has long been forgotten, and the symbol is now associated by most Christians with the concept of 'fishers of men'.

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7y ago

It comes from The Bible parable of Jesus as the "fisher of men." It also comes from when he met the apostles fishing and he walked on water to talk to them and feeding thousands.

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