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The Bible describes Moses upon descent from Mt. Sinai as having "horns" of light emanating from his forehead.

This means spiritual rays emanating from his face/forehead after having experienced a spiritual "face to face" encounter with G-D.

A mistranslation of the Bible from Hebrew to Latin

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Q: Why does Moses have horns?
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Are there horns on the Moses sculpture at San Mois?

No, it is a stone representation of Moses' shining face, although it looks like horns. Ex 34:30 So when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone, and they were afraid to come near him.

Did Moses have horns on his head?

no Answer 2: The horns on the head of Moses in paintings and sculptures represent rays of light. (Exodus 34:29).

Why did Michelangelo's sculpture of Moses have horns on it?

In one of the Greek translations of the Bible, they translated the word for halo or ray of light as horn. Because of this mistake in translation, a few depictions of Moses from this period, are depicted with horns. In more recent translations of the bible, this mistake was corrected it now describes Moses as having rays of light. Anyway, the "horns" in depictions of Moses are supposed to be rays of light.

Did Statue of Moses in Library of Congress have horns?

Yes due to a misinterpretation of the original Hebrew bible. Source: see related link.

Is there a connection between Amun and the Jews' Moses?

Amun was the Egyptian god of creation, see link. In the ten plagues written in the JudeoChristian Bible, it could be argued that the 10th plague was directly aimed at the cult of Amun. However, the current confusion with Moses is directly attributable to the famous painting and statue of Moses with the Ten Commandment in hand that looks as if there are horns sprouting from his head. This is not a representation of horns, but a visual reference to Exodus 34 where Moses' face shone and the people were scared of him. The "horns" are supposed to be the shining of his face...without the veil he wore. Judaism has never even remotely considered Moses a god. He is revered as the agent of deliverance from Egypt and the deliverer of the law. He is revered as THE teacher of the Law of God, but in no sense is he elevated to the status of a god. There is no other god but God and His Name is recorded as JHVH.

Can a sheep have horns?

They can have horns

Which fish has horns?

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Do wyverns have horns?

yes they do have horns

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No snakes have horns.