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Jesus came the first according to the promise of God in Isaiah 7.14

And he is going to come the second time because he promised to come again; according to his words in Revelation 22.20, and according to the two angel's promise in Acts 1.10,11


Jesus came the first time to reveal His Father to mankind, announce the Coming Kingdom of God and establish His Father's Church, to fulfill or fill to the brim the Law of God teaching the spiritual aspects as well as correcting the physical aspects that the Pharisees/Sadducees/Scribes had made burdensome. And finally, He came to be our Passover, to be scourged beyond human recognition, spit upon, mocked, nailed to a tree and die for the sins of ALL mankind. The Prophet Isaiah describes the scene in his chapter 53 - just one of over 100 prophecies about the Messiah.

His 2nd Coming is to save mankind from self annihilation and establish the Kingdom of God on Earth with His bride - the first-fruits or early Spring harvest in the 1st Resurrection. As the world was created to be with Adam & Eve, Jesus and his bride will lead the Millennium and many will be saved (harvested) into the Family of God. The rest of mankind never having known Jesus or had a chance to know Him will rise in the 2nd Resurrection and be given that chance if their hearts are open to it. At the end of that timeframe, those who reject Jesus will face judgement before Him with those in the 3rd and final Resurrection. There fate is the Lake of Fire which will engulf the Earth and cleanse it. Then on this new Earth, a New Jerusalem will descend from Heaven to become headquarters. God the Father will come with His tabernacle and live on Earth with His family.

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Q: Why does Jesus have to come two times?
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