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Because Lord Krishna was having so much of jewellery . Not only Krishna, but all Hindus at that time was wearing much jewellery the simple reason is that the Hindus were the richest on the earth at that point of time.

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Q: Why does Ganesha wear so much jewellery?
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Only the high heat and pressure of an autoclave (expensive medical sterilization unit) can sterilize jewellery. Alcohol is a disinfectant ( it kills bacteria but not spores) it can be used to clean jewellery you are going to wear so long as it's your jewellery and not someone else's. To wear someone else's jewellery you need to have it autoclaved ( kills bacteria and spores ) before you can wear it. Not doing so can lead to cross contamination ( this is how iv drug users contract HIV/aids hepatitis etc by sharing needles ).

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No you are not allowed to wear jewellery whilst playing neball. The umpire must also check the players for jewellery before they take to the court. If you wish you may play with a medical alert braclet or wedding ring, but they MUST be taped. Wearing jewellery is a hazard to yourself and other players when playing netball. I don't think so but its probably not a good idea anyway. NO you cannot wear jewellery playing netball its is a safety hazard and can hurt you and people playing on court Yes that's true, you can not wear jewellery while playing netball or training for that matter because you can hurt yourself and/or people playing with you. It may be called a non-contact sport but there is a lot of contact. You have to have your nails short, so when you look at the palm of your hand you cant see your nails at the end of your fingers. if you wear sleeper earings people's fingers can get caught

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What is ammolite known to be used for?

Ammolite is used for making jewelry and this is an opal. Well, now days an ammolite gemstone are very demanded and many of the peoples are wearing the ammolite jewellery. I also like to wear ammolite jewellery and this is really so attractive in look. So I must suggest EZ Shop Company for all to get the real ammolite gemstone jewellery.

How did Ganesha lose his tusk?

the tusk of lord ganesha got broken for the sake of writing mahabharatha and according to Hindu mythology veda vyas started to write the greatest epic of Hinduism mahabharatha and after some time he felt exhausted and so he called lord ganesha and as ganesha came forward to help veda vyas ,lord ganesha started writing mahabharatha as veda vyas narrated and remember veda vyas also had lived along with characters of mahabharatha.

How much will it cost to get a navel piercing if you have your own barbell?

No reputable piercer will pierce you using your own jewellery. They use brand new sterilized jewellery, so that there is little risk of infection.

Did spartan warriors have makeup?

I don't believe so. Spartan warriors may have thought it demeaning to wear make-up. I might be wrong though. No and the spartan women were forbidden to wear make-up, perfume and jewellery.

Can you wear a straight barbell in your ear cartilage with only one hole?

Yes you can. See that's the beauty of body jewellery, it can be used anywhere in the body (so long as it is appropriate for the piercing). So you can put any jewellery anywhere you want, this allows you to change it up a notch. Start your own fashion trend.

Who wrote mahabharat?

In the first book of the Mahābhārata, it is described that Vyasa asked Ganesha to aid him in writing the text, however Ganesha imposed a condition that he would do so only if Vyasa narrated the story without pause. To which Vyasa then made a counter-condition that Ganesha must understand the verse before he transcribed it.

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Kshatriyas wear not so much hardy clothes or shoes

What are ankle watches?

I assume they are watches that you would wear around your ankle rather than your wrist. They are a watch you wear around your ankle. I sometimes wear a watch around my ankle as a piece of unusual jewellery. Not very practical, but I love the way it looks and feels so I have a few watches for my ankle now.