To cut off all bonds of attachment.
hari om.
The axe in Ganesha's hand:Ganesha is symbolic of the mechanism of called Competitive Blockade.Competitive Blockade/ Vighna:
If two thoughts try to enter the conscious mind at precisely the same time it leads to abolition of all movements, emotions, feelings and thoughts. This results in false peace and false self-control.
The physiological bartering/ The secret of Ganesha's might:
If the blockade fails it results in exchange of emotions between the two thoughts. This enables us to barter a small force we have to execute a giant task for the mighty force of a socially undesirable activity. Thus, Ganesha enables us to execute mighty tasks with a small force, symbolized by a small rat carrying his giant body.
The objects in Ganesha's hands:
There are many things in Ganesha's hands. The important ones are,
1. Noose - symbolic of trapping of unwanted thoughts using Competitive blockade
2. Goad - symbolic of manipulation of blocking, either facilitation or abolition or exchange of emotions.
3. Axe - symbolic of unblocking of the blockade
4. Rosary - symbolic of timing
The removal of Vighnas/ Unblocking the blockade:
Ganesha is known to remove obstacles from desirable activities and also add obstacles in the path of undesirable activities.
Competitive blockade/ Vighna makes social interaction impossible. Therefore, it has to be unblocked whenever we have to interact with others.
Thus, the axe in Ganesha's hand is symbolic of unblocking of the blockade and thus enabling us to interact with others.
Lord Ganesha is the God who is known as Vignaharta. So to cut all the Vignas i.e., Hurdles Lord Ganesha holds the Axe...............
Ganesha is holding his own broken tusk,an axe, and a bowl of sweets,(his favorites).
This is completely wrong information you have got!Rama never threw axe at Ganesha's trunk.
Ganesha is holding his own broken tusk,an axe, and a bowl of sweets,(his favorites).
a lotus flowe....
Ganesha is typically depicted holding an axe, a noose, and a sweet treat called a modak. The axe symbolizes the cutting of attachments, the noose represents the control over obstacles, and the modak signifies the sweetness of spiritual fulfillment.
You don't throw money only your axe. hold your axe and press A.
Ganesha is the remover of obstacles as well as the Lord of Success and Good Luck. The hatchet is used to cut away, as well as annihilate, desire.
An axe
Ganesha is still powerful!
you just hold your axe holding it in front of the fountain and press the 'A' Button.
The king of diamonds, which appears in a deck of cards, is holding an axe. It is widely accepted that this king represents Julius Caesar.