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The Koran and the hadiths both tell Muslims, Jews have descended from monkeys and pigs and should be killed, as for Christians Allah once sanctified them as the people of the book, but later calls them infidels which to live in a muslin dominated country only if they pay zaket, a tax, otherwise death.

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Q: Why does Allah sanction Muslims to kill Christians and Jews in the Qur'an?
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Muslims believe in all books of Allah including Quran. Here is the list of Quran - The final book of Allah revealed on prophet Muhammad swah. All Muslims recite this regularly and follow what is said in Quran. Over and above Muslims also believe in other books of Allah. Toraj - which Jews follow Injeel (or Bible) - which Christians follow Jabur (extinct from earth). Please note Muslims believe in Moses (prophet for Jews) and Christ (prophet for Christians) and all other prophets send by Allah. The most beloved prophet to Muslims is the last prophet Muhammad (swah).

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Allah is God worshiped by Muslims and same God worshiped by Christians and Jews. God is written as Allah in Arabic versions of the Bible. Per Quran; Muslims God holy book; 99 names or attributes are mentioned explicitly in Quran, Refer to related question below.

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Muslims do not encourage their children not to like Christians. Christians and Jews are people of the book as mentioned in the Quran and the people closer to Muslims are Christians as mentioned in the Quran. Muslims are allowed to marry Christians and Jews as they are people of the book. It is therefore a misconception on your part to think that Muslims are encouraged not to like Christians!

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I believe that its the Quran.

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Muslims usually reject this claim and say that Allah guards only the Quran.

How does Allah discipline Muslims?

Allah discipline Muslims through the teachings per Quran and prophet Muhammad (PBUH) teachings. Refer to question below.

Quran only Muslims?

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Muslims should read the qu'ran becaues we are doing (Allah) god will