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It is only a myth of the creation, a legend - not rational science.

Answer 2:

Only God Knows

Another Answer:

Genesis 1 is not speaking of the original physical creation as the Earth is already there, under water and in darkness. It speaks of the renewal and the creation of man

John 1 speaks of the original creation by the Word who became Jesus Christ:

ohn 1:1-3New American Standard Bible (NASB) The Deity of Jesus Christ1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God.3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.

Revelation 21 tells us of the future headquarters of the God Family with all the Father's new spiritual sons and daughters on the New Earth - as the meek shall inherit the earth.

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Why do humans respond emotionally to beautiful sights? And why are painters, sculptors, or musicians motivated emotionally (even beyond monetary need) - to create works of beauty? We are created in the image of God (Genesis ch.5), and God himself is a master artist, who (we intuit) enjoys beauty and has made this beautiful world (see Genesis 1:31). The best human efforts to create beauty are a pale reflection of God's own designs. We respond to them because we are made in the Creator's image.
God made the Earth for people: "He did not create [the earth] simply for nothing," but "formed it to be inhabited" (Isaiah 45:18). He wanted people to exist in order to have someone to love, and to give us an opportunity to achieve godliness. All people are tested concerning their use of free-will. We possess a soul which lives on after the body dies and is held responsible for the person's actions. Anyone who is worthy can merit reward in the afterlife. When the righteous use their free-will to obey God despite His being hidden, they have shown that they deserve His love. Their reward will never cease. But even the undeserving are given the kindness of life in this world, and the lifelong ability to draw near to Him.See also:

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Q: Why do you think God created the earth according to Genesis 1 and Psalm 8?
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What time did god put Adam and Eve on earth.?

According to Genesis, Adam and Eve were created on the sixth day of the creation week.

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According to the Bible, God created light first in the book of Genesis. This marks the beginning of creation where God separates light from darkness.

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Gd created the Earth, etc.

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In the Christian faith, the first person on Earth was Adam, according to the book of Genesis. He is said to have been created by God, and later, Eve was created from his rib.

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In the Bible, the fifth person on Earth is mentioned as "Adam." According to the story of Creation in the Book of Genesis, Adam was the first man created by God, making him the fifth person on Earth after God created Eve from his rib.

Bible verse and god created the heavens and the earth?

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

What are men created to do?

In the first creation story in Genesis (Genesis 1:1-2:4a), man is created to be master over all (Genesis 1:28).In the second creation story in Genesis (Genesis 2:4b-25), man is created to be the servant of the earth (Genesis 2:5, 15).

What is biblical story of earth?

In genesis (the first book of the bible) it tells you how God created the earth

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Christians say and believe that the creation account in Genesis is true. God created the heavens and the earth.

When was genesis?

The term 'genesis' means origin, creation and/or beginning. It is the first book in the Bible. Some have calculated that the event of renewing the face of the Earth and creating life as we know it today, happened in circa 4004 BC (Archbishop Ussher).Psalm 104:30New International Version (NIV)30 When you send your Spirit,they are created,and you renew the face of the ground.