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Q: Why do you think Eastern Church ten to minimize the pope?
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Is the pope on western or eastern?

The pope is western. The Byzantine Church is eastern.

Was The Pope head of the Eastern Orthodox Church?

No, the Pope is the head of the Roman Catholic church. The Ecumenical Patriarch is the head of the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Was it the Eastern Church or Western Church that accepted the authority of the pope and celibacy?

It was the Western Church that accepted the authority of the pope and celibacy. This led to the Great Schism in 1054, which resulted in the separation of the Roman Catholic Church in the West and the Eastern Orthodox Church in the East. The Eastern Orthodox Church did not recognize the authority of the pope and allowed married clergy.

What church did the bishop of Constantinople create after he was excommunicate by pope Leo ix?

The Eastern Orthodox Church.

Is the Pope head of all Catholic Churches or only Roman Catholic Churches?

The term "catholic" is claimed by both the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. The Roman Catholic Church includes all the Churches that accept the authority of the pope in Rome, including certain Eastern Churches. The Eastern Orthodox Church does not accept the authority of the pope in Rome. The pope is the spiritual leader of all Christians. However, the Protestants and Orthodox do not recognize that leadership.

The pope hoped the. would br reunited as a result of the crusades?

The Pope hoped that the Eastern Church (Orthodox) and Western Church (Catholic) would be reunited as a result of the Crusades.

What was Great Schism of East and West?

The question related to the authority of the pope. The pope and the bishops of the western parts of Europe claimed that the pope was the head of the Church, who had authority over the whole Church. The bishops of the eastern parts of the Church said that the pope was merely the most important bishop, whose position was one of dignity rather than actual authority. The difference went on for centuries before a series of incidents resulted in the eastern bishops setting up a separate Church. The result was that the Roman Catholic Church was in the West and the Eastern Orthodox Church in the East.

What is the significant of the 1054 excommunications of the pope and the leader of the eastern orthodox church?

It formalized the split between the Eastern and Western churches.

What is the significance of the 1054 excommunications of the pope and the leader of the Eastern Orthodox Church?

It formalized the split between the Eastern and Western churches.

What is the byzantine orthodox?

it is actually not byzantine orthodox. it is actually the church. the churches in the byzantium were called the Eastern Orthodox Church. at first there was only a common church. but later there were dispute among pope and the patriarch and actually the western Europe and the eastern Europe. so,there was a split, in the west, the churches were called the Roman Catholic Church as the pope as the head and the churches in the east were known as the Eastern Orthodox Church with the patriarch as the head. so the reason for the Byzantium getting the eastern orthodox church is because byzantium is in the eastern European side.

What is the byzantine?

it is actually not byzantine orthodox. it is actually the church. the churches in the byzantium were called the Eastern Orthodox Church. at first there was only a common church. but later there were dispute among pope and the patriarch and actually the Western Europe and the eastern Europe. so,there was a split, in the west, the churches were called the Roman Catholic Church as the pope as the head and the churches in the east were known as the Eastern Orthodox Church with the patriarch as the head. so the reason for the Byzantium getting the eastern orthodox church is because byzantium is in the eastern European side.

What was gained from the great schism?

Well, both sides of the church gained something. The Catholic, or Western, Church gained freedom to follow/appoint a pope, while the Eastern, Orthodox, Church gained the freedom to not follow the pope.