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Well for infants it is a way to give the baby over to God, if it is as an adult it generally means that someone has been thru some really difficult, times, perhaps an incident where they almost died they may want to be baptized to purify themselves in a physical sense to symbolize what is going on in their heart with God.

Roman Catholic: In the Christian church the Rite of Baptism is the first of the seven Sacraments. It is one of the sacraments of initiation (along with Confirmation and the Eucharist) which lays the foundations of every Christian life.

"Since the very dawn of creation your Spirit breathed on the waters, making them the wellspring of all holiness." (Roman Missal, Easter Vigil, Blessing of Water" The Church has seen in Noah's ark a prefiguring of salvation by Baptism, for by it, "a few, that is eight persons, were saved through water"

Hence Baptism is a bath in which the 'imperishable seed' of the Word of God produces its life-giving effect. St. Augustine says of Baptism: "The word is brought to the material element, and it becomes a sacrament"

"It signifies and actually brings about death to sin and entry into the life of the Most Holy Trinity through configuration to the Paschal mystery of Christ. Baptism is performed in the most expressive way by triple immersion in the baptismal water.

"For all the baptised, children or adults, faith must grow after Baptism. For this reason the Church celebrates each year at the Easter Vigil the renewal of baptismal promises. - From the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Editio Typica, Second Edition

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Baptism bowl is the container that holds the water for baptism.

What is the definition of baptism?

---- Baptism-When you dunk somebody in water to represent that you are a believer of god.

How many things are used in baptism?

In Water baptism, just water is used, in spiritual baptism, nothing is used, just a commitment and belief of you in God. Water baptism symbolizes that commitment (some people think that it is useful to have the Word of God (Bible) present as well)

What is baptism celebrated for?

Baptism is the first sacrament in the bible. With Baptism there is two ways that a person can be baptised it's either a symbolic application of water on the head or immersion of the body into water.

The church uses water for what sacrament?

Baptism. Baptism is the purification of water to wash away sin. Many Christians do this when they become saved by God.

Where does baptism happened?

It happens in water.

Does conversion to orthodoxy require re-baptism?

Baptism means dipping. It does not mean dipping in water. You have to specify what you mean to dip in. The bible says in several places that water baptism no longer applies.

What does a baptism represent?

Baptism represents the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus by being plunged under water, being under water, and being risen out of the water.

What are some sacret items in baptism?

sacred items of baptism are oil holy water and an altar