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People's religious beliefs are a key element of their culture and also influence their behavior. It's important to understand the main tenets of the various religions in order to understand the development of different value systems, cultures and governments.

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Q: Why do you learn about world religions at school?
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Should students learn about world religions in public schools?


Why do you do re at school?

You Do RE At School So You Can Learn About Other Peoples Religions And Maybe To Find A Bit More About Your Own.

Is a public school teacher permitted to offer a class comparing the world's religions?

Actually no they can not if it is a public school

Why do you have to learn RE?

To learn about different religions LOL

Why are we at school?

TO LEARN! Because the world is unfolding as it should.

How does school change your world?

you learn how to grow up.

Why would you want to learn about other religions?

Why wouldn't you want to learn about other religions? Learning about other religions is learning about how other people view the world around them. To think that your views about the world on your surrounding is the RIGHT way or the only True way is just ignorant. Just because your elders have taught you a certain truth as it pertains to them doesn't mean that is a truth to what others believe.

What do Egyptian school children do at school?

I assume you mean modern school children. They do what school children do all over the world and learn to do math, read, write, and learn about the history of their nation.

How can other religions learn from Jewish community?

They can learn not to mess with the Germans.

What will I learn in fashion school?

In fashion school you'll learn all about different types of clothing design. You will also learn how to apply this knowledge in the real world in order to start a career.

Atlas of World Religions?

atlas of world religions

What did you learn in religion subject?

different religions