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We cover our head to show respect to the Guru Granth Sahib.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

depends on you. You can cover your head if you want but if you don't then it is not compulsory.

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Q: Why do you have to cover your head when you go into a gurdwara?
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What do people were in a gurdwara?

Sikhs go to gurdwara having their head covered either with a turban or a handkerchief.

What do you need to bring to a gurdwara?

You need something to cover your head. by the way before entering thake your shoes and socks of wash your hands and cover your head.

Why do you cover your head in temple?

If you are asking about a Gurdwara (a Sikh temple) then you cover your head in sign of respect. However, in some Hindu temples, you don't actually have to cover your head! It is said that you are meant to in some in India but the temples in England are not really bothered. In Sikh temples though YOU HAVE TO COVER YOUR HEAD!! You HAVE to!!

What do Sikhs have to do when they enter a Gurdwara?

It is really simple, if you want to enter in Gurdwara, you just have to wash your hands and your feet, also cover up the top of your head.

How does a Sikh get involved in a gurdwara?

You just go to the gurdwara and get involved. It is not forbidden for anyone to enter the gurdwara. You are always welcome to go and listen to Gurbani. You have also the option at most Gurwara's eat Langar, which is made in the Gurdwara by volunteers for free.

How do people usually behave in a gurdwara?

In a gurdwara, people typically remove their shoes before entering, cover their heads with a scarf or other head covering, sit on the floor in a respectful manner, participate in prayer or meditation, listen to kirtan (devotional music), and partake in langar (community meal). The atmosphere is usually peaceful and centered around humility, equality, and service to others.

What do women wear in the gurdwara?

Wearing "Kachehra" (Underwear) and "Dastaar" (turban) is mandatory for sikhs. Sikhs can wear anything in the gurdwara which is sober and does not seem vulgar. Sikh women are aslo exempted from wearing "Dastaar". Women may or may not wear dastaar.

Where do the sikhis people go to worship?


What does the term Gurdwara mean?

Gurdwara is the Sikh temple where Sikhs go to read and prey. It means the guru's doorway. Dwara means door or gate, while the guru is the scriptures.

Do you have to go to the Gurdwara to be Sikh If yes or no why?

I think u don't have to go to the Gurdwara to be sikh, but it is recomended. I cannot back this statement up because it is an opinion. xx

What is a platform and canopy in gurdwara?

The Palki to cover the Guru Granth Sahib (the book)

What is the position of the guru granth sahib in the gurdwara?

The Guru Granth Sahib Jee is given the highest status in the Gurdwara. It must be on a platform that is higher than the congregation, and it must have a canopy hanging over head. It should be decorated with beautiful "rumallas" (embroidered cloths to cover and protect it), and a Sikh should be in attendance of the Guru at all times.