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It probably stems from Jesus' words to His disciples of what to look for that they might know when He will return, in His description of the coming Great Tribulation [Matt.24:9-29]:

"For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; SO SHALL ALSO THE COMING OF THE SON OF MAN BE." (Matt.24:27)

While "lightning" can strike anywhere, and not just out of the east... some attribute this lightning to the "lightening" that comes out of the east daily... the rising of the sun, which then shines until it sets in the west.

Therefore is the expectation of many that Jesus will come out of the east.

The prophetic truth of the matter may be more in keeping with "a flash of lightning," however, when you apply the NLT [New Living Translation] of the above passage: "For as the lightning LIGHTS UP THE ENTIRE SKY, so it will be when the Son of Man comes." (Matt.24:27 NLT)

The prophecies foretell that the "Day of the LORD"... the Day Jesus returns... to be a time of GLOBAL DARKNESS! Cloud-covered... with the lights of the sun and moon blocked out:

"...because the Day of the LORD is upon us. It is a Day of DARKNESS and GLOOM, a Day of THICK CLOUDS and DEEP BLACKNESS. Suddenly, LIKE DAWN SPREADING ACROSS THE MOUNTAINS, a mighty army appears!" (Joel 2:1-2 NLT)

Further Scriptures describe Jesus as He appears, today: "...His eyes were bright LIKE FLAMES OF FIRE... And His face was AS BRIGHT AS THE SUN IN ALL ITS BRILLIANCE." (Rev.1:14-16 NLT)

"For our God IS A CONSUMING FIRE." (Heb.12:29 NLT)

The picture these passages paint for God's servants seem to reveal that "compass points" will be of no avail on the Day of the LORD, the Day Jesus returns. His sun-like brilliance will be like a flash of light that cuts through the gloomy cloud covering over all the earth, when it happens. His blinding appearance will dissipate the clouds that are characteristic of "Seal 6" of Revelation 6, and verse 29 of Matthew 24; that God will establish to "cut the deadly Great Tribulation" short, so that life on planet earth may be preserved:

"In fact, unless that time of calamity [Great Tribulation] is shortened, the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE WILL BE DESTROYED. But it will be shortened for the sake of God's chosen ones." (Matt.24:22 NLT)

"Immediately after those horrible days end, the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give light, the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of heaven will be shaken." (verse 29)

So, in "the light" of the prophecies surrounding the time of Christ's return... no one, still living at the time, should have to seek out any compass point from wherever they may be standing on earth to see Christ returning. ALL EYES of all the remnant nations and survivors of the Great Tribulation will be drawn to the "sudden LIGHT" cutting through the dark and gloomy cloud cover enveloping planet earth. It will be Jesus Christ and His angelic army, like a blinding flash of lightning across the entire sky. No one will be able to miss it:

"...How Great and Powerful they are! The likes of them have never been seen before and never will be seen again. FIRE burns in front of them and follows them in every direction! ...FEAR GRIPS ALL THE PEOPLE; every face grows pale with fright... THE LORD LEADS THEM with a shout! This is His Mighty Army, and they follow His orders. THE DAY OF THE LORD IS AN AWESOME, TERRIBLE THING. Who can endure it?" (Joel 2:2-11 NLT)

"And then at last, the SIGN OF THE SON OF MAN WILL APPEAR IN THE HEAVENS [the sudden brilliant illumination of the darkened, cloud-covered planet earth!], and there will be deep mourning among ALL THE NATIONS OF THE EARTH. And THEY WILL SEE the Son of Man arrive on the clouds of heaven with Power and Great Glory. And He will send forth His angels with the sound of a mighty Trumpet blast, and they will gather together His chosen ones from the farthest ends of the earth and heaven." (Matt.24:30-31 NLT)

It would seem, then, that "looking to the east" for the returning Jesus isn't the expectation of God's servants... but "knowing and heeding the signs that precede it."

"Just so, when you SEE THE EVENTS I've [Jesus] described beginning to happen, YOU CAN KNOW HIS RETURN IS VERY NEAR, right at the door." (verse 33)

"So BE PREPARED, because you don't know what Day your LORD is coming... You also MUST BE READY ALL THE TIME..." (verses 42-44)

"Lightning" is multi-directional -- its flash is all around you at once. Shadows disappear, all is visible, and nothing is hidden.

Perhaps people shouldn't be looking to the east... but into preparing themselves for the Judgment Christ is bringing with Him when He comes; to rid themselves of their "dark places and shadows":

"...Fear God and obey His Commandments, for this is the duty of every person. God will Judge us for everything we do, including EVERY SECRET THING, whether good or bad." (Eccle.12:13-14 NLT)

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