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Roman Catholic AnswerThere is not need to receive Holy Communion under both kinds (the Bread and from the Cup" as Our Blessed Lord is contained fully under either species. The Priest must consume from the cup to complete the Mass.
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Q: Why do the priests only drink from the cup during the Eucharist and not everyone?
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Can people drink water and eat before Eucharist?

You are not meant to eat within an hour before receiving the Eucharist, but you can drink water during that time.

Do Catholic priests drink heavily during Mass?

No, they do not drink during Mass except for a small amount of communion wine.

What are the rituals for the Eucharist?

The ritual of the Eucharist is clearly described in the Bible. Christ celebrated the first Eucharist at the last Supper, then commanded His priests who were present "DO THIS [what I have just done] in remembrance of Me". His Church has been obeying that divine command ever since that day. In the Mass, the priest, acting in place of Christ Himself, does and says exactly what Christ did and said at the Last Supper, just as He commanded

What wine do priests drink?

Priests drink anything from grape juice to small amounts of red wine.

Do priests wear gold chains with a gold container to drink the blood of Christ from during mass?

No, they don't. Have a look at or for the facts on Catholicism.

Can priests drink alcohol?

Yes. They're not supposed to get drunk.

Can you get me a drink?

What do you mean can you have something to drink. Everyone has to drink to live!!

When the early Christians gathered to celebrate the Breaking of the Bread what food and drink were shared?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe "Breaking of the Bread" was a code word for the Eucharist And in the Eucharist they use the body of Christ (bread) and the blood of Christ (wine).

What do the welsh eat and drink?

food and drink like everyone else...

What special responsibilities do you have as a Christian when you receive the sacrament of the Eucharist?

To receive Eucharist you must 1)Be free of mortal sin 2)Not eat or drink anything one hour prior to receiving it(water is permitted at any time though)

What is Eucharist fasting?

Canon law (of the Roman Catholic Church) states, "One who is to receive the most Holy Eucharist is to abstain from any food or drink, with the exception only of water and medicine, for at least the period of one hour before Holy Communion" (CIC 919 §1). Elderly people, those who are ill, and their caretakers are excused from the Eucharistic fast (CIC 191 §3). Priests and deacons may not dispense one obligated by the Eucharistic fast unless the bishop has expressly granted such power to them (cf. CIC 89).

Can priests smoke?

Yes they can if they choose to. Not all priests smoke, but some do and they even drink alcohol. I don't think it should matter if they smoke cigarettes. What we should be worried about is if they doing illegal drugs.