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The word Messiah comes from the Hebrew word for 'anointed'. The word Christ is the Greek equivalent, again meaning 'anointed'.

The Old Testament never mentions Jesus at all, so it therefore never calls him the Messiah.

The New Testament was written entirely in Greek and does call Jesus the Christ, the Greek equivalent to the Messiah.

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Q: Why do the Old and New Testaments never refer to Jesus as the Messiah?
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Where in Mark does he refer to Jesus as suffering Messiah?

Mark 8:31 and 9:1.

What does Jesus stand for?

Christ means the "Anointed One", similar to Messiah. It is a title, not a last name (Jesus most likely would have been known as Jesus, son of Joseph). It is used uniquely in the Christian Scriptures (NT) to refer only to Jesus of Nazareth.

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For Christians, Jesus was their saviour. However, Jesus plays absolutely no role in Judaism. Of the Jews who think that Jesus actually existed as a real person, the majority think he would have been a false prophet at most. Additionally, the Christian concept of 'saviour' does not exist in Judaism.

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Is the name Jesus mentioned in the Old Testament as The Messiah?

There is no specific reference to Jesus in the Old Testament, as this was composed between the 8th and 3rd century BC, 300 years before the birth of Jesus according to Christian doctrine.The word "messiah" in the Old Testament means "anointed" and can refer to any saviour or liberator of a group of people. For example, Cyrus the Great, King of Persia is explicitly referred to as a Messiah in the Tanakh.

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Christ was not actually Jesus' last name. The Jews didn't actually use last names. Instead they would refer to a person's parentage (Jesus, son of Joseph or Jesus, son of Mary). Christ refers to the Messiah.

Who was the first person to refer to Jesus as the messiah?

It was John the Baptist. He/She is very right

What do the three monotheistic religions believe about Abraham Jesus and the idea of the messiah?

Judaism:Abraham, the father of the Israelite people through his son Isaac.Jesus, a blasphemer and false messiah who was crucified by the Romans.The Messiah, a political leader who will save the Jewish people from oppression and reestablish the kingdom of David. He has yet to appear.Christianity:Abraham, the father of the Israelite people through his son Isaac.Jesus, the Son of God and second member of the Trinity. Crucified by the Romans and resurrected by God, he is the spiritual messiah of Christianity and ascended into heaven. He shall return in the future as the King of Kings and the physical/political messiah of both the Jews and Gentiles.The Messiah, Jesus Christ. Christ is the Greek translation of the Hebrew word Messiah.Islam:Abraham, the father of the Arabic peoples through his son Ishmael, and of the Jews through Isaac.Jesus, a prophet rejected by the Jews but accepted by the Christians and Muslims. He is a lesser prophet than Mohammed.The Messiah, Jesus was The Messiah and a prophet but the Jews rejected him and his teachings.

If Jews do not believe in Jesus as the Son of God why was He called the King of the Jews?

The term "King of the Jews" was a term given to him by the Romans since they understood the term Messiah (like Jews at the time did) to refer to a terrestrial ruler. As a result, if Jesus was the Messiah as he claimed, he was effectively the "King of the Jews". However, the majority of Jews and both the Pharisaic and Sadducee Establishments would have rejected his claims to being the Messiah, so the Roman term is irrelevant to ascertaining Jews' true views of Jesus.

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I have never heard Jesus refer to more than ONE Hell. Why are you asking this?

Why do non-Christians object to using the AD BC system of dating?

Assuming you know what AD and BC stand for, The objection is because these acronyms acknowledge Jesus and refer to him as lord (domini) and messiah/anointed (Christ).